Toward establishing a valid ancient claim of birthright- For the - TopicsExpress


Toward establishing a valid ancient claim of birthright- For the Palestinian people in Palestine/Israel. - And examining their genetics and their likely ancestral roots in the Holy Land........ By M Hurlin Shelton. I now have good reason to believe that the Palestinian people have a absolutely vaild and ancient connection to the Holyland/Palestine. First of all its already accepted and generally understood that the Palestinian and Israeli people are both descendants of Ibrahim/ Abraham, who had two sons: Ishmael the firstborn- and Isaac the second born. Aside from that some scholars identify another biblical source of verity- in that of the twin brothers Jacob (Father of Israel) and Esau. Some scholars argue that Esau went on to be progenitor of the Idumeans or Edomites who are quite arguably ancestors of the modern day Palestinians according to many scholars.. It appears that Palestinians also carry the blood of another ancestral source: the Minoans, the Seafaring people - who came to Israel from the Island of Crete- in ancient times after a volcanic eruption on the Island today known as Santorini caused a Tsunami (giant tidal wave) which struck the Island of Crete devastating the Minoan civilization based at Knossos- the surviving refugees to sailed to the ancient Holyland where they have became identified as the ancient Philistines. So we have already three likely Palestinian bloodlines two of which establish an ancient semitic connection to the ancient land of Canaan - two Abrahamic- 1) An arabic connection through Ibrahim/Abraham of his firstborn Ishmael who was born somewhere in Canaan.-whose blood descendants are very likely to be found among Palestinian people. 2) A likely bloodline through Esau -twin brother to Jacob (Israel)Father of the Twelve tribes of Israel.... Esau is believed by some scholars to be progenitor of the Idumeans or Edomites- and the Edomites ancient Ancestors of todays Palestinian people. 3) Descendants of the Minoan Cretans the ancient Philistines. (As mentioned) Now the big bombshell...... 4) Today some genetic researchers Are saying that as many as 90 percent of Palestinians in some areas have very close genetic ties to the Jewish people. . Ariella Oppenheim Ph.D., who is a researcher at Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical School labs, has published the result of DNA studies which show that both the Palestinians and Jews are descended from the Kurds of Iraq and Turkey. That should astonish no one since both the Bible and the Koran say the Jews and Arabs are descended from a common ancestor, an ancient Chaldean who the Koran calls Ibrahim. And the Bible/Torah calls Abraham. Perhaps more surprising, Oppenheim found the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe are genetically closer to the Palestinians than Middle Eastern Jews. Oppenheim also isolated and traced the chromosome for the “priestly” Cohen line. Among some of the Palestinian people. “We find that some Arabs also carry this chromosome,” she noted in a documentary film, which claims that some Palestinians are also descendants of the Cohens. Genetically. Cohens were the priestly sons of Levi- the chosen priesthood - who were in charge of ancient Temple sacrifices-Moses was a levite- a very honoured and ancient position.- the Cohen legacy began from the time of the exodus from Egypt. It was a select group of Cohens/Levites who carried the legendary Ark of the Covenant. The Palestinian city of Yatta, located south of Hebron in the West Bank, has a population of 50,000 to 60,000 people. A documentary about this states that 90 percent of the population of this town has Jewish roots. Furthermore, many of them practice ancient customs that are very Jewish. “In some of the dry and dusty Palestinian and Bedouin villages, they still circumcise their boys after the seventh day,” writes Mark Ellis on the website “Godreports.” Hidden away in some Palestinian homes are Jewish Mezuzahs and Tefillin. Some older residents can recall lighting candles on the Sabbath. “Many of the Palestinians know it, but it’s not politically correct to acknowledge this publicly among Muslims,” says Steve Hagerman, founder of Turkish World Outreach. “There are two houses of Israel in the Holy Land: one aligned with the West and primarily secular or Jewish and the other aligned with the East and primarily Islam.” Documentary filmmaker Nissim Mossek quotes Rabbi Dov Stein who claims, “It becomes clear that a significant portion of the Arabs in the land of Israel are actually descendants of Jews who were forced to convert to Islam over the centuries. There are studies which indicate that 85% of this group is of Jewish origin. Oppenheim’s genetic studies seem to confirm that connection. Mossek filmed a Palestinian home where the Jewish mezuzah was hidden under a shelf, and the tefillin are hidden among the socks in a dresser. A mezuzah is a parchment of scripture placed on the doorpost by religious Jews. Tefillin, also known as phylacteries, are a set of small boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with scripture, which are worn by observant Jews during morning prayers. A Palestinian woman interviewed on the program says, “That is how I pray and everyone keeps the secret.” “Will your little boy find out he is Jewish? an interviewer asks. “He will find out eventually,” she says. When I travelled to Laos in South East Asia several years ago- I met a Palestinian man who owned a restaurant there- he had come to make his home in Laos He told me that the Palestinian people called themselves The Falastin. - He told me that although his family practised Islam today- That he knew, and most of his Palestinian fellows knew that their ancestry was largely Jewish.- but that few would ever admit it- because it was ever so politically incorrect to admit that in Muslim society. What he told me that day I feel ,is today confirmed by this genetic research undertaken by Ariella Oppenheim Ph.D., who is a researcher at Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical School labs. Basically from this information it appears that there may be a strong argument that validates an ancient and longstanding birthright of Palestinians in the Holyland.- For they clearly have Jewish blood- It appears that they. Are descendants of the jewish people who were left behind after the diaspora in 70 AD. When the Romans sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple.- who over a period of two thousand years forgot their prior identity-were Arabicised through intermarriage and converted to Islam- when the Holyland was ruled by Syria and the Ottoman Empire.- But by blood and birthright are in fact Jewish.. It is my prayer that these two people would embrace and accept one another- and recognize their ancient common heritage, and make a lasting peace.- hopefully by Gods grace- and peace talks- a reconciliation and a a two state solution- a reconciliation is possible. Both peoples need and deserve a rightful homeland.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:42:12 +0000

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