Towards safer environment Aamna Yousuf Mir With our present - TopicsExpress


Towards safer environment Aamna Yousuf Mir With our present approach to development, we are increasingly risking the loss of the very foundation of our own survival. The variety of life on our planet – known as ‘biodiversity’ – gives us our food, clothes, fuel, medicine and much, much more. A world without biodiversity is a very bleak prospect. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the environment in our country. There are laws that protect the environment but the government has never been able to implement them. It fails to clamp down on rich industrialists due to influence. Our cities present a grim picture because of no proper urban planning and inefficiency on the part of the government departments responsible for ensuring the city planning, waste management, and environment protection. According to a report, the city of gardens - Lahore is being labeled the country’s most polluted city, as huge industrial units stuck in the middle of densely-populated areas are constantly adding to environmental degradation. The situation is now posing serious health hazards for the citizens. On the other hand, there are many industrial units as well, which were originally built in the suburbs but due to the city’s expansion, they are now included in residential areas. In addition to this, increased number of vehicles plying on the city roads is also worsening the situation. According to the Environment Department, rickshaws are causing 65 percent pollution while diesel buses and wagons are responsible for 15 percent. Despite an absolute ban on deforestation since 1993, 155,000 hectares of forestland was declared as non-forest and converted into commercial and residential areas. The annual monetary loss worth Rs365 billion incurred due to environmental degradation constitutes six percent of the GDP. In a survey, a UK-based NGO said that around 40 percent of Pakistan’s population has become highly vulnerable and victim of multiple natural disasters like cyclones, floods, drought, intense rainfall and earthquakes. Healthy environment produces healthy societies and the health of our coming generation depends upon the environment. It is the time to speed up the campaign and bring about a green revolution in the country to make eco-friendly environment to ensure a better tomorrow. Use of degradable plastic bags also poses real threat to our environment. The country has been gradually heading towards implementing a complete ban on the use, production, and sale of non-degradable plastic bags but the process remains very slow due to different reasons. Whereas many countries in Asia, Europe and America have successfully controlled plastic waste by introducing new technology to make degradable plastic bags. Taking leaf out of developed nations’ book, we have to divert towards production and sale of degradable plastic bags which get easily vanished after some time but non-degradable bags remain in the soul for number of years causing severe damage to the environment. Different options have been discussed by the stakeholders, Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) and Ministry of Climate Change in this regard which included complete ban on plastic bags; or introduction of photo- degradable plastic bags; hydro-soluble plastic bags; and ox-biodegradable bags. But the consensus has been developed on the production and sale of oxo-biodegradable bags because the technology is simple which neither needs alteration in machinery, nor in the process. d2w is an environment friendly chemical which not only make the plastic environment friendly but also decreases the hundreds years life of plastic to some months. Now the plastic would not be rejected but would be used properly. The use of d2w chemical would not affect plastic industry and consumers would also not face now the lack of plastics.d2w additive is added in the plastic during the preparation for only 1 percent, which not only converts plastic to degradable but also made environment friendly, as it dissolved with Oxygen. Finally with the use of d2w bag will vanish leaving behind humus (a non-toxic product). The plastics have extensive usage in packaging of food, beverages, cigarette, leather, textile, electrical/mechanical machinery, and components etc. Now, it is also being used in agriculture as mulches and in forestry for saplings. If use of non-degradable plastic continues, it will create havoc due to poor waste collection in the country. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) has put a ban on manufacturing, import, sale and use of non-degradable plastic bags and other plastic products in the limits of Islamabad Capital Territory. After its proper implementation, provincial governments will also be urged to follow the suite. After implementation of the ban, the manufacturers would be given three months to replace non-degradable plastic items – bags, glasses and bottles – with biodegradable ones. It is worthy to mention here this ban will not affect over 8,000 manufacturers of plastic bags in the country, mostly located in Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. About 200,000 people directly and 600,000 people indirectly were associated with this business. According to a survey conducted by Pak-EPA in 2010, plastic bags were introduced in Pakistan in 1982. These bags quickly became popular because of low cost, easy selling, different colours and convenience. As many as 12 billion plastic bags were used n Pakistan in 1990-91. In 2005-06, the consumption rose to 43 billion and in 2007-08 up to 55 billion. With 15 per cent growth annually in production of plastic bags, the estimated use of plastic bags in the country by 2014-15 would be 112 billion. According to the environment watchdog, several options were considered, including banning plastic bags across the board such as in Bangladesh or introducing plastic bags made from starch like in Japan. With a view to promoting this technology in the country, Pak-EPA approached local and multinational companies and users to promote oxo-biodegradable plastic bags in the country. Because of these efforts, a number of users like; Dawn Bread, KFC, McDonalds, Hyper Star, Sazgar, DHA, ICI Polyester, MENUE etc. have started using d2w oxo-biodegradable plastic bags as part of their social responsibility. Time has come to make collective efforts to make Pakistan a greener place in an attempt to ensure a better future for our coming generation. Mere statements will not work now as practical steps have to be taken to translate the dream of Green Pakistan into reality. For this purpose, awareness campaigns have to be run on print and electronic media about the benefits of using oxo-biodegradable plastic bags of d2w. Similarly, awareness has to be created among industrialists to adopt this new technology of d2w for the better future of our beloved country. Our government needs to formulate and implement clean technology policies and turn to environment-friendly policies on war footing. More awareness among the general public to meet the minimum level of pollution should be created. Vision of greener, cleaner, low-carbon and resource-efficient economy and society needs to meet the reality.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 03:35:51 +0000

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