Towards the beginning of the last Gaza conflict when the sirens - TopicsExpress


Towards the beginning of the last Gaza conflict when the sirens were screaming overhead in Jaffa, the explosions from the intercepted missiles were resonating through the air about me, and the bodies of the innocent civilians in Gaza were mounting up daily in their hundreds (soon to be thousands), and after having closely followed the turn of events from the months leading up to the bellicose evil and the mendacious narrative that the government and the media were feeding the people in Israel, and watching the peoples greed in consuming it all eagerly, in my despair, I wrote a short but poignant piece which I sent to my colleagues at work (only to receive their wrath, insults and invective at my act), because I felt I had not choice but to cry out to the world at this inhuman madness. It wasnt as if I didnt expect them to come down on me with a hammer, I did. It was almost as if I needed confirmation that the monsters were out there in the midst of my life tearing apart the structures around and inside me with their inhumane consciousness .... Anyway, it came in to my mind again just now, so I thought I would send it to you all. Here it is below: I never used to believe in monsters. Not since I was a child at least. As a child, I used to visualise them crawling up the walls of my bedroom in the ominous darkness of the night. They were stone-like amorphous entities projecting out and through the walls; silent, insidious and persistent. I would lay petrified in my bed, quite literally unable to move or cry out for help, so terrified was I by the unmistakable presence of these inhuman forms with all their potential to carry me off into the night and do me immeasurable harm. And with my voice silenced by their malign powers and my body totally paralysed, the deep paroxysm of fear and despair would remain unattested by my parents and sister sleeping peacefully in their adjacent rooms, fully ignorant of the trials and tribulations I was undergoing, often on a nightly basis. As I grew up, the monsters slowly began to disappear; a process came into being by which, over time, they dissolved back into the walls from where they had emerged until I became aware, in retrospect, that they were no more. And then, at the age of 30, I moved from London to Israel and once more the monster came back into my life. It wasnt the same monster as in my childhood. I no longer saw those amorphous stone-like projections protruding threateningly from the walls in the depth of night. But I knew I was in the presence of a monster, nonetheless. Because all monsters have a certain commonality that it is impossible to mistake. Monsters, no matter what kind, are inherently self-serving, evil creations that have no moral core, no conscience and no compassion. That is why we are all so terrified of them, because we know that they will not heed our pleas for mercy, they will not look into the core of our souls and feel pity, remorse or even empathy. They will not, because they can not. It is not in the nature of monsters to do so. Monsters simply do not have that capacity. Although I was no longer a child, it was impossible here in Israel not to be in fear of the monster before me. For how can one not fear that which in itself is irrational and will not respond to, or be moved by, reason, let alone sentiment? Nevertheless, I now had powers of analysis and discernment that I was previously lacking and I tried to understand the make up and characteristics of this particular and most mammoth of monsters that seemed to be spreading its evil domain throughout the whole of the society which I had chosen to be a part of. Finally I was able to put a name to this monster, or monstrosity, which seemed to possess the ability to contaminate every part of the society which it had so insidiously infiltrated - it was called The Occupation. As I came to observe and try to understand the malign workings of the monster in greater depth, I began to realise that it worked its pernicious evil in the most subtle but devastating of ways. All monsters are, de facto, annihilatory , even though not all monsters are conscious of their annihilatory powers. Such was the case with The Occupation. By embedding a confabulated narrative as its cornerstone, and conflating this with a self-serving notion of victimhood, the monster acted craftily to ingrain itself within society by instilling a deep-seated and existential fear and loathing of the other whilst cementing a sense of self-righteousness that would know of no criticism whatsoever. Slowly but surely The Occupation was able to instil its immoral and annihilatory values within all walks of society, even within those aspects of society which saw themselves as virulently opposed to its presence. That was the absolute brilliance of this monster which set it aside and above from all notions of monsterhood that had hitherto been encountered. Such a monster could not be simply eradicated from the society as any evil should logically be. It could not be eradicated because its actions were insidious. It was acting from within, giving society to believe that it was necessary and unavoidable, whilst simultaneously destroying its fabric of humanity. It even gave elements of that society to believe that it was actually messianic in its origin and agenda, and although this messianic message was intended only for the ears of the initiated, it served to further ingratiate itself and strengthen its hold immeasurably from within. With the monster able to now work actively and unimpeded from within, the occupation was able to spread its pervasive evil throughout all aspects of society without it even being perceived by the masses that there was a monster present at all; and thus it was that the tragic eradication of Israeli society began and a pervasive evil began to eat away at all fundamental aspects of humanity with one overriding objective - that society would become fused with the monster and the monster would become fused with society - in short that they would become one.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:38:20 +0000

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