Track 7 from Tulpa now uploaded! Originally this track was - TopicsExpress


Track 7 from Tulpa now uploaded! Originally this track was called Ingrained In the Membrane… but then the graphic artist (me) complained about the title being too long to fit on the cd comfortably. So I gave in and changed the title to keep myself happy. Sigh. Some of my favorite leads are in this track… oh those Albino days :-) Nothing has quite the same effect as a lean, mean fm lead from that plugin doing a simple funky pattern. Offset that with a few trippy effects and atmospheres, and ill happily listen to it all day. The break at 4:50 is an interesting one as its nine bars long, which breaks (haha) the usual convention of building the whole track on cycles that are multiples of four bars with no exceptions - a good friend once told me that was a requirement for a track to do be defined as trance-inducing . Although on paper the extra ninth bar I added breaks the trance factor, in reality i think it enhances it, and here is my theory: - We instinctively dance through the extra bar because we were expecting the main rhythm to come back in - but we quickly realize it actually didnt, and so are in this scary limbo of uncertainty. - As its only one extra bar it doesnt last long, and when the rhythm comes back in its a confirmation that we made the right choice, which gives us a rush of pleasure and helps us become one with the groove. The effect is kind of like the music is responding to the dancers initiative instead of the opposite. - We are now offset in our four bar cycles by one bar, so something feels different but we are not sure what. All we know is that we seem to still be dancing in time but somehow feel backwards. This creates a superposition in our subconscious minds of the two patterns/cycles… we are still aware of the first cycle, but also have this new awareness rising up about the new cycle. - Over the next eight bars the awareness of the old cycle fades as the new one grows in strength, until the next drum roll confirms that the new cycle is indeed the dominant one. So what Im trying to say is that I believe ALL these cycles exist at once, and the tracks we write are just choosing to manifest selected ones at selected times - but in the end they are all interchangeable without braking the trance factor. As you might have noticed, im fascinated by the discipline of dance-floor dynamics as a trance-inducing tool, so my apologies for the monologue :-)
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:01:55 +0000

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