Tracy Knausss: REPUBLICAN LED COMMITTEE FINDS NO COVER UP IN BENGHAZI — After a two-year investigation, the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee found no cover-up and no wrong doing. Furthermore there was no intelligence failure declared the Republican-led committee, which joined all previous investigations in absolving the president and his administration of any wrong doing. The report says members of the Obama Administration had not intentionally misled the public in its talking points about what happened in Benghazi. It also declared that no order was given by the military to stand down, a claim Republicans have based their hopes of nailing Hillary Clinton over. The only wrong doing has been the waste of U.S. House time and public taxpayer money investigating this Republican contrived issue. What the report did not include was Secretary Clintons request of Congress for more security at American embassies, and the refusal of Republicans to fund additional security. One can only conclude from all of the facts that the only conspiracy is that of the Congressional Republicans attempt to injure Clintons reputation and derail her presidential aspirations in the lead up to the 2016 elections. Even though all six official investigations, including this one by House Republicans, have found no wrong doing, House Speaker Boehners Benghazi Select Committee will still convene a witch hunt and spend millions of dollars in yet one more partisan attempt to smear Obama and Clinton.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:26:30 +0000

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