Traditional media and governments dont seem to understand - TopicsExpress


Traditional media and governments dont seem to understand tech. This year, German media outlets cried foul on Google for excerpting their stories in search results. You know, the results that point people back to the original story. They wanted Google to PAY for these excerpts. Google stopped showing these results, and the traffic at these media outlets TANKED. Of course they did. So they begged to have their content excerpted again. Now Spain is in the act, instituting a tax on Google for excerpts on its News search results. Google pulled the results rather than paying the tax. I think we know what comes next. With a move this boneheaded, some are speculating that surely there must be a reason for a law this idiotic. Is it a gift from the government to print media ahead of upcoming elections? I personally vote for the far simpler idiots interpretation. Remember that this was also the year that France instituted the Amazon law. This made it illegal to discount books and ship them for free. Amazon, which offered free shipping prior to the law, promptly began shipping books for ONE CENT. Old Media and the Old World are united in the fight against progress and technology. If you think this is about preserving an old way of life, I would argue instead that its about preserving established channels of money-flow. In related news, Spain has also shut down Uber, the popular ride-hailing company. In my trade, the fight is with Amazon, which has made reading more affordable and more accessible for readers -- and more lucrative and more egalitarian for writers. And we see how vehemently the old guard has reacted to all of that. The problem going forward is that those happy with progress are quietly enjoying its benefits, while those unhappy are lobbying politicians to keep things the way they were (which is to benefit inefficient players at some cost to consumers). I argue that we, as happy progressives, need to be aware of these issues and do more than simply vote with our wallets. We need to mock those enacting bone-headed laws and ridiculous taxes. We need to point and laugh. Laugh until you cry.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:33:15 +0000

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