Traffic Regulation for Eid Ul Fitr Prayer in HYD... M Mahender - TopicsExpress


Traffic Regulation for Eid Ul Fitr Prayer in HYD... M Mahender Reddy,Commissionerof Police, Hyderabad, do hereby notify, for information of thegeneral public, that, in order tofacilitate proper control andregulation of traffic in connectionwith EID-UL-FITR (Ramzan) prayersat the Mir Alam Tank Idgah andthe Secunderabad Eidgah, “ONEWAY” traffic regulation will beenforced on the following roadson July 29 & 30 from 8.00 a.m. to11.30 a.m., i.e., on the day offestival as decided:-MIR ALAM TANK EIDGAH :All vehicular traffic proceedingtowards the Idgah Mir Alam Tankfor prayers will be allowed viaPuranapul, Kamatipura,Kishanbagh and Bahadurpura XRoads from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30a.m. During this period, generaltraffic will not be allowed toproceed Idgah from BahadurpuraX Roads and will be divertedtowards Kishanbagh orKamatipura. Cycle-rickshawsand cycles will notbe allowed to proceed to theIdgah from the Idgah cross roads.Cycles and rickshaws should beparked near the open spacewhere stands are being provided.All vehicular traffic coming fromShivrampally, N.P.A., towardsIdgah for prayers will be allowedand general traffic proceedingtowards Bahadurpura X Roads willbe diverted at Danamma Huts ‘T’Junction towards Aliabad via:Ansari road, Jahanuma, Boys TownSchool etc.,Immediately, after the Idgahprayers, all fast moving vehiclesfrom Puranapul proceedingtowards Idgah will be divertedtowards City College road till theentire congregation disperses fromthe Idgah after prayers.SECUNDERABAD IDGAH :All vehicular traffic coming fromBrooke Bond Centre and from CTOX Roads will be diverted at IdgahX Roads towards Tadbun.b
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:01:32 +0000

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