Train a child in the way he should go and he will never depart. - TopicsExpress


Train a child in the way he should go and he will never depart. This is what the bible tells us about being a parent. No Im not preaching but sharing my insight on this. Those who know me know I stand in my faith and beliefs. First I believe the bible is as good today as it was when it was written many years ago. Many people feel it doesnt apply to our time. When we become parents we start training our child from the moment they let out their first cry. To some degree they come out trained as they already know our voice and our moods. From this point on we are training our child. Training doesnt just mean talking, correcting, or playing, it means everything, and I mean everything we do teaches them. If we drive our car with our child and scream or give people the finger, we are teaching our child by our actions that this anger is okay. When we have patience with other people we are teaching patience and compassion. When we are honest we are teaching honesty. When we embrace other cultures and abilities we are teaching diversity. When we show love to our fellow man we are teaching our child to love our fellow man. Our actions teach our children. When we spend time with God we are teaching them. Everything we do and say teaches our children. I could go on and on. Our actions speak louder than any word we can give our children. So just think about what you are teaching your child in action not just your word. The bible does apply today just as it did thousands of years ago! What a better world we would have if only parents would teach my example!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:05:26 +0000

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