Training Approach: Choose Yours Wisely. Your training approach - TopicsExpress


Training Approach: Choose Yours Wisely. Your training approach may dictate not only the extent to which you can achieve your fitness objectives but also your ability to continue training, period. The extremes to which some people take their gym efforts are amusing to say the least. First we have those who, though well intentioned are aversive to hard work; once a training plateau has occurred these people cannot make the necessary adjustments; they are told they must bump up the intensity to force fresh gains but instead choose to coast. Like slugs on Prozac they meander from one piece of exercise machinery to the next, avoiding heavy duty barbells and dumbbells like the plague. Dissatisfied with their unsurprising lack of progress they may eventually quit their training efforts outright and spend the rest of their lives hibernating on the couch with an extra large packet of M & Ms. Then we have the archetypal type-A personalities. These people speed through life, a perpetual blur of productivity and momentum. But how productive are these people? Flitting from one project to the next and from one training program or diet to another they seldom reach their full potential. Training excessively and obsessively and anguishing over every perceived imperfection or nutritional transgression, such sensitive souls stubbornly refuse to apply sensible advice and are prone to anxiety and depression. Consistency is not their strong point. They may become bored and experience disillusionment due to a lack of progress. Rather than quitting their efforts outright, however, these attention seeking tornados of insanity are usually forced out of the game: injury, burnout, overtraining or boredom may, for them, preclude further fitness training. So to ensure productive workouts and training longevity, keep an even keel, train with just enough intensity (a good trainer will show you how), know when to hold back, be consistent in your exercise and nutritional approach (provided it is the right one for you) and keep focused on the task ahead. About the author: David Robson is a professional freelance writer who runs personal training company Advanced Personal Training (APT), is Founder and Managing Director of Fit Futures Charitable Trust (an organisation which provides personal training options for people with physical disabilities), and Founder and President of the New Zealand Wheelchair Body Building Federation (a not for profit organisation open to all New Zealand wheelchair users).
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 21:15:37 +0000

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