Training Consistency: I understand people have lives to live. - TopicsExpress


Training Consistency: I understand people have lives to live. Gym isnt the be-all of life. I believe going to the gym and/or exercising is to improve your life, no be a burden on it. But if you choose to train, but make excuses as to why you cant turn up, then here is my view on that: 1. There are 168 hours in a week. If you are getting 8 hours sleep per night (are you?), that leaves you with 112 hours per week (16/day). Take out an average 8-10 hours of work (plus most dont work weekends) and you still have 6-8 hours EACH DAY in which to find an hour for gym. 2. In order to develop changes, you need to be consistent with your application to whatever it is you are wanting to change or improve. Consistency is the key. 3. No one makes you train. You have to want it. If you want it, then do it. Excuses are a moot point on most occasions - find a way around it. 4. I work a labour job and Im tired. Youre tired because you arent eating right. Unless youve walked in my shoes, please dont tell me youre tired from a simple day at work. Eat better, Exercise and youll sleep better. We are designed to move, not sit in a chair for a job. If you still dont believe me....then read on! (BTW, my work hours are from 545am to 7pm Mon-Fri and a half day on Sat). 4. But you dont know MY situation - Im tired/busy/got kids/work shift/etc Actually I completely understand. Heres why: In the 3 years from Apr 2006 to Dec 2008 this was my schedule - *I was a full time soldier in the Australian Army instructing new IET students plus the extra responsibility of running PT for my unit on most days. Thats a fairly decent commitment for most people. (0730-1630 Mon-Fri) *I was raising my son Brody as a sole parent (we wont go into the extra emotional time needed here). *Studying for a degree - Bachelor in Human Movement Science - by distance education. *Training everyday for Olympic Distance Triathlon as a sport (5 years). *Made time to see my girlfriend at the time. *Help coach my sons Rugby League team and take him to footy every Saturday plus then go and watch my girlfriends boys play. *Whilst maintaining a 2 acre property on my own with 3 sheep, a dog and chickens. This isnt a poor me post. This is about YOU. Its a reality check for most people. I can also happily have you chat to any number of people who train consistently here at The Gym Yamba and equally have as much responsibility. YOU CAN DO IT. But you have to WANT IT. Once you find your WHY, then shit just works. You find a way and just get shit done! What now? Organise your week, prepare your food, get your household in a routine and get your arse in the gym at least 3 times every week for the rest of the year. Do that, I GUARANTEE youll be Fitter Stronger Faster!!! GFGI!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:08:44 +0000

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