Training Ethos at RetroFit Tameside The main priority of our - TopicsExpress


Training Ethos at RetroFit Tameside The main priority of our training ethos is to create a healthy pain free body to last a lifetime, followed by maximizing performance and finally, appearance. We feel it is important not to mix up the order of these priorities, as training for appearance and maximum performance while ignoring your health will only last so long, and training for appearance as the main priority will compromise the performance aspect. Primary Goal Trilogy • Feel Great (Deep health & pain-free movement) • Perform Well (Maximize your ability to perform) • Look Great (A direct result of the focused structured training in the above points) With that in mind we focus on training movements rather than individual body parts, with the exception of prehab and rehab training. The bulk of our training consists of whole body, ground based and suspension based exercise drills performed through a full range of motion. The emphasis is on continually honing and refining quality athletic movement. Training is organized into cycles that are built around specific goals for that particular phase and last anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. Harder and lighter workouts are alternated, depending on recovery and progress. We seldom push to muscular failure, focusing on building solid technical skills instead, although, if conditions permit, occasionally we do test physical limits. Our group training sessions typically last 45 – 55 minutes and always involve comprehensive joint mobility and strength flexibility work with various breathing exercises being integrated throughout the entire training process. This ensures long term results via joint and connective tissue strengthening, greatly improved coordination and injury prevention. Grip training is integrated into full body training via the use of fat grips, kettlebells, thick ropes, slam balls, medicine balls and suspension trainers while performing the exercise drills. We feel it is important that we gradually and continuously build your foundation from basic to more complex and advanced movements with joint mobility drills, various animal-like movements, yoga-like flows and relaxation exercises. We believe strongly in balancing your training around the major movement groups including pressing, pulling, lunging, bending, squatting, flexing and rotating for the sake of injury prevention and proportional development. Compound General Movements There should be balance between the different motor qualities, such as range of motion, strength, power and endurance. In other words, one needs to be competent across the entire fitness spectrum. Grip, neck, prehab and rehab drills are integrated into training on a regular basis, as you are only as strong as your weakest link. Another vital part of training is quality nutrition, hydration and recovery via restorative sleep, genuine rest, stress management, positive mental focus and massage. Progress Trinity • Training • Nutrition • Rest & Recovery Training should be focused, fun and mindful. You need to genuinely enjoy it to truly get serious long term results. There are countless ways to get in great shape with unconventional training. You should feel alive during your training as you challenge yourself to improve and to move forward with purpose. RetroFit Tameside Training Principals • Progressively develop solid skills first, before conditioning them • Practice with ground based and full range of motion compound movements • Training practices should be technical, relatively short and at varying intensities • Develop athleticism • Develop a complete and pain free range of motion • Develop efficiency of movement integrating correct breathing, structural alignment & selective muscle tension • Develop balance, competence and strength within the six basic movement patterns • Train to develop explosive power and speed • Train conditioning to perform at maximum output • Train both bilaterally and unilaterally (double and single limb) • Train your grip • Cycle and periodize training eg. vary intensity • Every movement is core training • Train for mental toughness • Compliment and support your training lifestyle with nutrition and rest for optimal life long results
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:16:49 +0000

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