Training Tip of the Week - Dumbbell Flyes. The majority of people - TopicsExpress


Training Tip of the Week - Dumbbell Flyes. The majority of people I see are doing dumbbell Flyes incorrectly. They tend to go too wide and too deep, then because theyve gone too wide and too deep, bounce and use re-coil at the bottom of the movement, thus using momentum and not muscular contraction to move the weights up and therefore loosing the whole point of the exercise. Going too deep and wide over stretches the chest and puts the tendons in a vulnerable position which could result in injury or excessive wear and tear which could accumulate over time, resulting in a possible pec tear. Another fault is locking the elbows out straight at the top of the movement thus taking the tension out the exercise and reducing the benefits of doing it in the first place. The most effective way to conduct the dumbbell flye is to start the movement at the top with the dumbbells touching, palms face in and the elbows bent, as if you are hugging a tree. From this position slowly lower the dumbbells down, without twisting them keeping the palms facing, feel the stretch come on.....but not over stretching them......stop when your palms are about parallel with the side of your ribcage. At this point take a momentary pause, just long enough to prevent you using momentum to lift the weight.Then squeeze the weight up in an arc like motion....again as if you are hugging a tree.....keeping the chest up.......rather than letting it sink and collapse. As you get to the top of the movement keep your arms in the hugging position.....dont lock the elbows........dont let the dumbbells touch keep them about 6inches apart to keep tension on the muscle before repeating the movement. You may need to reduce your normal weight on Flyes to start with but its not what you lift its how you lift it. Remember FORM IS KING. FACT!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:50:21 +0000

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