Training hard, but seeing few - TopicsExpress


Training hard, but seeing few results reddit/r/Fitness/comments/2a2rcc/training_hard_but_seeing_few_results/ I guess some background would be in order. I am a 21 year old, 59 195lb male college student. As a former high school athlete I trained vigorously for the sports I played, and would consider myself someone who understands fitness pretty well. After a long term injury and the Freshman 15 a few years behind me I started this summer with the goal of slimming down to 180lbs (day one weigh in was 195lbs). For the past 2 months I have been weight training about 4x per week and running 5-6 miles about 2-3x per week. Sometimes I will sprinkle in a sprint workout or long day of playing pick up basketball for cardio. Im basically training in some respect every single day, and I take a day or two off every 7-10 days. Im seeing improvements in my strength which I am super happy about, and I am noticing improvement in my running too (my pace has improved from an 8:45 mile to around an 8:00 mile). While Im excited about my progress in those areas, I still havent seen a change in my weight. Im feeling myself getting slightly slimmer (probably lost 1 pants size if that) however after two months I have barely lost any weight (last weighed in around 192). I dont think my diet is the issue, I have been very vigilant about keeping track of my food intake and eating the right foods (with an occasionally night of binge drinking sprinkled in. Im in college sue me!) Im cutting down by around 400 calories per day. I guess my question is what is going wrong? I feel like I am working out enough to see some sort of weight loss results. I know 2 months is a relatively short time, however I feel like I should have seen some sort of progress by now. Is there something Im doing wrong? Are those occasional nights of drinking in excess really hurting me that much? You help is much appreciated!! (σ^人^ )σ Like Reddit Politics https://facebook/292531374193776 • Sign up for 30-200+ OKcupid Visitors every day. Just login to OKvisits It is free
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 07:24:58 +0000

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