Trampas Graham shared Wendy Daviss video. People express - TopicsExpress


Trampas Graham shared Wendy Daviss video. People express outrage over Wendy Davis empty wheelchair ad (but fail to read the point of it), yet there is no outrage over Abbotts outright lies on how he supports education or the accusation that Davis is under FBI investigation. The state already ranks 47th in education--why not make it 50th? Apparently, critical thinking has already escaped the majority of the state at 47th, so a few more notches down the totem pole wont matter now. No one else will say it, so I will: go ahead and vote for the bigoted GIMP, keep that trash blowing in the wind here all along your highways, and let your healthcare continue its slide into the gutter. Poison every water well and frack it all to hell--leave NOTHING for your children while you vote pro-life (but wont pay a living wage). Get those GMOs into the ground to grow wild and make every living thing sick. These are Abbotts values. So, by all means--use a child predator like Ted Nugent to sing that victory song. Dont listen to the gay guy--dont listen to the women who get paid less to do the same jobs as men. Dont read the Dallas Morning News, or any other respected newspaper. Just watch Fox and blame it all on the black guy. If this is really what this state wants, then I will just sit back and watch the flames. God knows Ive watched enough people self destruct--why not watch a whole state? Hell, Germany was completely destroyed in the 1940s and now theyre offering Americans free education because they feel sorry for us. Im glad I came back one last time: apparently I am supposed to watch most of humanity destroy itself--there are several viewpoints to do that from here. Bitter much? Not me. Just baffled by a state full of so much hate, bigotry, and fear over security issues that it will cut off its own foot to spite itself. Hell--Abbott cut off both his, for 10.7 million he could sue the owners of a tree--yes, a tree. Go ahead, elect someone like that. Yes, I did write all of this. No one else will. Now hit that button so you wont have to hear from me again.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:21:27 +0000

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