Trance music, haters, and my idea to TRULY help the world. Please - TopicsExpress


Trance music, haters, and my idea to TRULY help the world. Please read. To my dearest fans, the ones who have been with me since I first started in this crazy music world at at 16. Those of you who have known me for 12+ years would know that Ive never been an artist who stays glued to a single genre of music. It’s just not in my blood, for me to feel truly liberated as an artist I have to try new things. If you listen to my discography from the very first song I ever made Meet Me in Kyoto (which was maybe minimal electronica?) to the latest material on my brand new ReDefined album from a few weeks ago; nothing has ever stayed the same. I’ve covered techno, house, progressive, trance, acoustic, orchestral, electronica, chill and everything in between. Music evolves, artists evolve and personal subjectivity changes over time. Nearly all of you have embraced every new experiment that Ive tried and I truly thank you for that. It’s not the slightest stretch for me to tell you all right now that I truly adore you as my fans, there’s an actual love in my heart for people like you, you’ve stuck by me and you’ve helped me make my dream a living reality. Your support does not go unappreciated. BUT - this message is for the few who havent embraced the ’new tyDi’, the ones I ‘let down’, the ‘fans’ who literally beg me in DM’s daily to make music like the songs I used to be known for in 2008, which I guess was ‘Trance Music’. For a long time I read these messages and felt personally (and immaturely) offended, we are all human - and I had a pretty big weakness, I couldnt grasp the idea that fans could be so close minded as to not progress with me over the years and understand my desire to cover new ground, new genres, new sounds. While my new fans all over the world embrace my work with love, there are a very small percentage who call me a ‘sellout’. I’ve tried to counter-argue this point by telling them that I really do LOVE my new music, it’s exactly what I want to be doing. That’s the truth. So, today I spent 15 hours on a plane flight over the pacific ocean just thinking, truly thinking about this. Im here to apologise to the those few who Ive called haters, the ones who want me to stick to one genre. I’ve realised something, youre not haters at all, in fact youre lovers, youre just extremely passionate about the music that I used to make. It’s a compliment! Why on Earth did I take so much offense?; I should have been proud that you adore my old tracks on such a deep level that you are literally hurt that I’d go in another direction. What I needed to do is this and see it as a compliment. I myself remember what its like to watch an artist that I truly adored change over time musically and desperately wanting them to go back to what I thought was their best work. So before I tell you the news I want to make one thing extremely clear, I personally LOVE the music that Im making today, I wouldnt change it for the world (and I WILL keep doing it). But today Im going to start something for the few of you who wished I made more TRANCE. Here it is - Ive already started work on an EP, a ‘trance’ EP. Im going to put myself back into the headspace of 2008, and Im going to bring you a few new tunes that are completely in that style. The music that some if you loved me for. Songs like ‘You Walk Away’, ‘Good Dream’ and ‘Vanilla’. Theres just one catch, Im doing this for YOU, I personally have no need to make these songs again because Ive done it before and my passion is somewhere else now. So, if you really want me to do this, then Im asking you do something good for the world. Instead of me selling this project for money I will be offering it for a very reasonable price where ALL of the profit will go to people far less fortunate than any of us. To children without food or clean drinking water. If enough of you REALLY want me to do this then I will, you have my word that I will work my ass off in the studio making you an EP of TRANCE music. So if you’re into this idea, prove it to me me now in LIKES, SHARES, COMMENTS and EXCITEMENT. You call yourselves the ‘TranceFamily’ - now’s the time for you to PROVE IT. Convince me to make an EP for you and you alone, and in return I will go back in time for the purists, the ones who I’ve been calling ‘haters’… When you buy this EP, you’ll be providing a better world for children and families in need, and TOGETHER we will be be helping humanity. Together we will turn what I used to think was ‘hate’, into LOVE, into something that can actually help people. tyDi
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:07:20 +0000

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