[Trans] Luhan - SEweekly Interview (Full) Journey to becoming - TopicsExpress


[Trans] Luhan - SEweekly Interview (Full) Journey to becoming an idol - An amateur football player who wants to become a singer Luhan has a beautiful name, he looks like someone who has come out from the comic, a character that is only present in dramas, it seems like he is perfectly tailor-made just for the entertainment industry. But the reality is—”Luhan is my real name, 鹿(Lu) is my family name,晗(Han) means the arrival of dawn because I was born during midnight.” Luhan explained the meaning behind his name. When the interviewer was amazed at how his name suits this entertainment industry perfectly, your adorable Luhan continued to explain:”These two words have a total of 22 strokes!” “Um…is there anything particular about it?” “It’s because the number ‘4’ and I are fated, 22 strokes, 2 + 2 = 4. I first signed my contract on April 14, Thursday, and if I randomly on my phone, it would either be 4:44 am or 4pm” He talked about all these coincidences which sounded quite like some fated fantasy, the straight-faced Luhan somehow looked adorable, “Believing these occasionally is ok, life will become more interesting.” Born in 1990 in Beijing, Luhan was brought up by his parents like any of the ordinary kids, “When I was young I didn’t have any dreams, I thought that doing anything was alright for me, until I watched World Cup in 2002”, he said. That year, Bora Milutinović who coached the China football team went into the World Cup, it became part of everyone’s memory. In the same year, the 12 years old Luhan started to like David Beckham, and because of him, he started liking Manchester United. He never expected himself to become a dedicated fan of Manchester United. Luhan looked back at his old days and said: “Actually when I was first into football, I messed up a little, I once thought that Arsenal’s Henry was a member of Manchester United because their jerseys looked alike, hahaha…..”. Sounds like a foolish yet adorable thing. Teenager Luhan was dedicated to football, he worked hard for many years, trying to achieve his goal of becoming a professional football player . After school, he would go for training, the word ‘artistic’ does not even go along with him. “My classmates had their own music bands, but for a sports person like me, I wasn’t quite interested in that, I felt the things I did were more manly, hahaha” But unfortunately, he was unable to become a professional football player due to his parent’s rejection, “They think that it is too dangerous being an athlete, will get injured and leave a lot of illnesses. They just want to send me to college, let me find a good job and make a living.” If you separate Luhan’s life into two parts, before 18, he was still a not-so-artistic teenager, then 18 would be his life-changing part of his life. The 18 years old high-school student Luhan headed to Korea for further studies. Casually walking on the streets, he was scouted by a casting agent and became a singer. Why Korea? Why did he not go to England- the country where football is a trend? Luhan’s explanation is this: “Because it’s close to my home (China).” No one expected the sporty teen to become a singer few years later. “After debut, one of his middle school friends sent him a message: “At first, I thought you went to Korea to become a football player but you ended up being a singer /laughs/… “ First Experience as a Movie Actor - I get shy when I look at my own parts The movie “Back to 20” is considered as Luhan’s first solo work after 3 years of debut. Although he had MV filming and reality show experiences, he still felt very nervous when he acted for his first movie, and he suffered sleepless nights because of that. In the movie, his partner Yang Zi Shan used words like “Naturally Blank and Cute” to describe Luhan. She still remembers during the filming process, Luhan would quietly mumble: So nervous, so nervous, what to do. “It makes people want to protect him when they see him”, she said. There was a scene in the movie where Yang Zi Shan had to kiss Luhan’s cheeks, the moment she kissed him, “His face turned red immediately”, she laughed as she teased him, although he retorted and claimed that he was just shocked from the sudden kiss. Anxiety and shyness were one of his biggest experiences. Because of his shyness, there was a scene where he had to tease Yang Zi Shan, his face turns red every time they film, because of that, there were quite a few NGs when he was filming an argument scene with Chen Bo Lin. The director commented Luhan with his “shyness”: “Basically, when he looks at himself on the screen, he starts to laugh” but he then added, “But he is very smart, learns things very quickly”. Other than being smart, he is also very hard-working. A few weeks before he joined the crew, he transformed from a person who has never even touched a guitar before to a rocker despite his busy schedules, this left a deep impression on Director Chen Zheng Dao, “He didn’t only learn guitar, he completed the bicycle scene on his own.” Luhan got verified on weibo as an “actor”, he apparently still looks a little lost and blank, “I became an actor already? I only acted in one movie.” After the pre-screening of “Back to 20”, numerous film critics complimented Luhan’s performance with some encouragement and said that he is naturally and cute. His best buddy Cobby made a movie review about him too, he said “As a newbie, he is doing a great job, but he still needs to improve his fluency of speaking ouy his script lines and the emotional scenes can be acted out more naturally.” The CEO of an advertising campaign stated that “This is the era where people look at appearances, the economy of the film industry will be greatly improved with the help of fans. Luhan’s fans are very loyal and active, “Back to 20” will be looking at the consuming ability of fans. Since Luhan has returned to China, he will most likely gain greater support from the management groups from now on. Furthermore, Luhan is very excited, very hardworking.” The film-industry related people are already welcoming this newbie with open arms, almost in every movie’s casting list, you can see Luhan’s name. Staffs revealed that until now, Luhan has received around 30-40 movie invitations. He has many opportunities, but it seems like Luhan wants people to see the other sides of him instead of just his looks. Despite his packed schedules, Luhan is currently taking acting classes, he learnt how to let out yourself in his first lesson. He still has a long journey to go, he has enough time to prove himself to everyone, just like the character “Xiang Qian Jin” (Luhan’s role) in the movie, working hard to achieve his dreams. Cute Flower Boy or Tough Manly Boy? - Luhan makes fun of himself. Male god, beautiful flower boy, blankly adorable etc. these words have been repetitively used to describe this 90-liner idol, his friends always tease him about girls who endlessly support him. “His best buddy” Cobby revealed, when they were in high school’s cafeteria, girls would turn back and start staring at him. One of the script writer said, “I can give him a tailor-made character which suits him perfectly, really! I did some research on his pictures, he really looks good in all angles, and he looks clean inside out. To the Chinese entertainment industry, a person like him who has a face that every girl drools over for, he will be at the top.” At the commercial filming site, the interviewer kept on asking Luhan to do cute expressions. Looking at how he speaks to staffs shyly, they once again confirmed that he is the chick’s magnet. But… “Luhan, you’re too thin” “Not really, (takes a glance at the mirror), I’ve been eating a lot recently and I gained weight (he pointed his cheeks).” The reporter went speechless, hey, people who are struggling with their body size wouldn’t want to listen to replies like that. During the free time, Luhan quietly mumbled “我的滑板鞋,摩擦摩擦” (He was singing one of the trending songs last year named “我的滑板鞋”, you can listen to it, it sounds really funny https://youtube/watch?v=aUcY4gSMo4M [1:35-1:45 is the part that Luhan mumbled], “一百块都不给我” and other trending phrases and exhibited his “Beijing Manly Personality”. When one of the show showed a photoshopped pic of Luhan where he looked liked a girl, although he shyly praised himself and said that he looks pretty, he was determined that he will never try to cross-dress. The moment you talk about football, car, watches, you will light up Luhan’s interest, he wouldn’t stop talking. He even had a debate with the interviewer about who is better: Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Staffs tried to cut into this ‘meaningless debate’, but the interviewer and Luhan were determined to make their questions clear. And, can you imagine Luhan eating at the side of the street when he was a high school student? He tried to escape from his house during his rebellious times but his parents were far more cold-hearted than him. Luhan decided to return home after an hour because he was scared that he might starve himself. Who said that this 90 liner is from the peak of Himalayas? He’s like a witty and humorous person in private. His staff secretly told the interviewer- Don’t think that Luhan looks cute, he is a tough guy, he eats a lot, he can eat everything and he looks good when eating, “We all told him that he looks like he’s filming a CF whenever he’s eating!”. He is very straightforward, for example, being known as one of the male gods, other male artists would’ve felt so happy, but when it comes to Luhan, he made fun of himself and said: “ha? Male God? Don’t they need to be tall?” Alright, for the rest of these stuff, let Luhan tell you himself. The following parts are overloaded with cuteness. Warning! This is not a drill! This is not a drill! Don’t just use sweet phrases to flatter girls, show some sincere actions - SEweekly x Luhan Q: When Director Chen Zheng Dao commented on you performance, he said that at first, he chose you because of your high popularity, he didn’t expect you to act that naturally. Do you know many people are coming to you because of your popularity? Luhan: Is it better to know about that or to not know about that? haha. Q: Will your high popularity give you stress? Luhan: Yes, I feel stressed. (When you decided to film this movie, did you think about those that much?) When I found out that I was filming this movie, there were only 2-weeks until my filming date, I didn’t have much acting experiences and I had very little time to get ready, I was really nervous at first. Q: After watching the movie, are you happy with your performance? Will you feel like this- “Wow how did I act this well?” Luhan: No /laughs/, I stop watching when it comes to my part. I’m not used to looking at myself on a big screen, I feel a little awkward/ embarrassing, I would want to fast-forward the movie. Q: In the movie, you wanted to invite Yang Zi Shan to join your band, you looked very shy, did you basically just acted out your normal self? Luhan: I get shy very easily, and at the time, the director also wanted the shy feeling. Q: Are you always shy in front of just girls, or strangers too? Luhan: Girls who are considered strangers to me /laughs/. Maybe I’m like that too in front of stranger. Q: What is your dream character? Luhan: A hot-blooded one? or maybe a depressed character? Q: Don’t you want to act as one of those domineering CEOs? Not your style? Luhan: Yes, not tall enough, haha. Can’t get the right feeling/style. Q: What kind of movies do you not like to watch? Luhan: Romantic ones? Q: How about…..romantic….action…movies? It’s actually an educational film. Luhan: hahahaha….(Staff: Next question.) Q: Why don’t you watch romantic films? Is it because you can’t get it? Luhan: No no no, just feels a little unreal. Q: Do you know what is love/romance? Luhan: Yes I do, but for movies, I like those which are more tense and intense. Q: Do you want to act in a romance movie? Luhan: If there is a suitable character, I can challenge myself. (Like those deeply-in-love characters?) I hope that when my manager chooses my script for me, he can choose a character that is not too cheesy /laughs/. Q: How can a romance movie be not cheesy? Luhan: Don’t just use sweet phrases to flatter girls, use actions, and do more sincere things. Q: You said that you were very nervous when Yang Zi Shan kissed you, how will you perform that with actions in the future? It was just a kiss on the cheek. Luhan: /laughs/ I can work on this slowly. Q: Was that your first time being kissed by a jumping girl? Luhan: Yes, it was a little awkward/embarrassing…hahaha Q: What kind of movies do you like? Luhan: “Iron Man” is my favourite. (You like the Marvel series?) Yes, the others are alright, Iron Man is the most handsome /laughs/ Q: You’re indeed a straight man. Luhan: Haha, I even bought a lot of those figures (um…will fans send you Iron Man figures in the future?) I don’t think so /laughs/ The original version is quite hard to get, sometimes I don’t know where I can get it. Q: You said that you like graceful and gentle girls, is appearance not that important to you? Luhan: Yes, actually it’s fine, but you can’t say that it’s not important. As long as I feel comfortable looking at her, it’s fine. Q: Is the standard of your ideal girl the same compared to your ideal girl when you were 20 years old? Luhan: /shakes head/ Q: Different? Different? You liked energetic and lively ones? Luhan: No, I used to like pretty girls /laughs/. Now, I feel that girls who are comfortable to look at are more important, gentle and graceful girls are not bad too. Q: Is a good body figure important? Luhan: Of course it would be better if she has a good body figure /laughs/. Q: If your girlfriend watches football and talks to you about football, do you think it’s a good thing? Luhan: Not really! We must like the same team, or not I’m worried that we may argue /laughs/. (You hope that she knows nothing?) Yes yes yes, it’s better if she knows nothing. Q: Seems like you’re pretty determined about this. Luhan: Yes, it’s better if she doesn’t like football. (A whole group of fans must feel really sad after seeing this…) um…actually I think, there are not many girls who are really dedicated to football /laughs/. Q: If a girl treats you passionately, will you try to get away? Luhan: I will try to get away, I will feel shy too /laughs/. Q: Will you mind your girlfriend’s educational background? Luhan: Ah? I won’t. (Staff: He probably has never thought that much about it, and probably didn’t have must love experiences) Q: So you have been going through all types of Cobby? (Luhan’s best buddy)/laughs/ Luhan: /laughs hard/ Continue continue. Q: Are you reluctant about that fact that fans look at you and Cobby as an otp? Luhan: I was quite baffled about this…(Cobby: I am baffled too) Two straight men, it’s weird thinking about this! trans by : Exoandluhan
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:07:55 +0000

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