TransAtlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Is EFILA a think - TopicsExpress


TransAtlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Is EFILA a think tank or just a tank to reinforce the Investor State Dispute Settlement.element of T.T.I.P.? Protest at EFILA conference. Senate House, University College, London. On 23rd January 2015 at Senate House, London there was what appeared to be a mobilization of reinforcements on the I.S.D.S. (Investor State Dispute Settlement) front of T.T.I.P.- Trans Atlantic Trade & Investment Partnership. The use of the word trade deal is used very loosely. The phrase is little more than window dressing something that the public would otherwise turn against if it wasnt for the positive spin that the phrase gives to this legalised corruption. Trade deal being something people associate with creation of jobs and wealth for every one. In reality it is about taking away our rights where they may stand in the way of profits of corporations. Various political groups and activist organisations from across Europe and the U.S. are against the deal being finalised. The most controversial element of the deal being the part known as I.S.D.S.- Investor State Dispute Settlement. TTIP is all about giving corporations a free reign over governments regardless of any problems the corpoations may cause. In fact its about keeping governments and their public out of the way as the corporations steam roll along on their corrupt capitalist path to huge profits. The ISDS - Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism in TTIP- TransAtlantic Trade & Investment Partnership is to give power to corporations to sue governments who make political decisions which have the effect of reducing profits to corporations. -Many of the opponents to TTIP believe that TTIP is a cloak simply to hide what is the actual objective of TTIP- That is the part which allows corporations power over governments- ie I.S.D.S. The many thousands of oponents to to TTIP and more specifically I.S.D.S. have had a recent victory. I.S.D.S was suspended from the agreement by the European Commission due to the many protests against it. But a suspension is only temporary and is not a permanent removal! But the Inaugural conference of EFILA- The European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration which took place last Friday, the 23rd January is proof that the battle is far from over. EFILA Think tank?! EFILA, we are supposed to believe is a think tank - which supposedly has been drafted in to clear up the apparent confusion for the European commission and us the people. How nice of them to do this for us. However, EFILA is comprised of representatives of Law firms who would be taking on cases which would be brought about by the Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism. The I.S.D.S. which we have all been told has been suspended from T.T.I.P.! EFILA it would seem have been formed in order to carry out the work not of a think tank that is to look after everybodys interests, but to push through the original proposals of the agreement which would leave our governments helpless in defending people from the actions of corporations. Linda Kaucher, the founder of STOP TTIP made a speech explaining what was going on in Senate house. Her employment has involved working on various international trade deals. Many of which, she says have similar types of motives as TTIP. The ISDS mechanism surfaces when ever these deals are introduced.....Governments are being sued right now by corporations basically for policies which the governments have formed to protect their people.-Where those changes in policy have reduced profits of businesess. TTIP Oposition in Europe Investor Sate Dispute Settlement is a blatant attempt by corporations to ransack public resources , aided by the sort of people attending this EFILA conference. The lawyers attending this meeting today make big money from Investor State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) cases, whether acting as adjudicators, acting for corporations or defending states in these cases. Their back ground work is seeking out agreements, often signed up years ago, to find opportunities to sue governments, regardless of how that will hit a countrys health or education budgets. Even when governments successfully defend these cases they have to pay millions in costs to these lawyers. Thus these lawyers are like leeches on public finance. Sucking the public money that is there to be used for the public good. A disgrace to the law profession and to humanity. The EU public has clearly stated in response to the EU Commission ISDS Consultation, that it does not want ISDS at all. -Now those charged with carrying out the will of the people must act accordingly! There is an opportunity, in law, to end existing member state agreements (Bilateral Investment Agreements) that have ISDS. That opportunity must be taken; Not the fact of existing agreements used as a reason to sign up to ISDS provision in ever more far reaching agreements like TTIP as is currently happening. ISDS must be kept out of any new so-called trade agreements. -Even as the fight against these corporate agreements being signed at all, continues. So the fight against TTIP and ISDS goes on. But beware of think tanks as they may not be there for our benefit, and may well turn and fire at the people who we are led to believe they are representing.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:21:07 +0000

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