Transcribed by Sarah (Roach) Swindell Subject: Back page, - TopicsExpress


Transcribed by Sarah (Roach) Swindell Subject: Back page, December 8, 1938 The Celeste Courier Local Happenings Miss Juanita Milton of ETSTC. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Milton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Boney of Denison spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sullivan. Mesdames Fred Lee, Roscoe Connatser, and J. W. Gibbs and Martines Remidez were Dallas visitors Thursday. Mrs. John Murphy left Tuesday for Trinity, Texas to be at the bedside of her mother, who is very ill. Mrs. Sam Lacy and Mrs. Mitchell Tompkinson were Leonard visitors one day this week. Mrs. Fred Lee and Dan ODell spent Wednesday in Farmersville with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lee, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenece Glidweell and children of Sherman spent Sunday with his sister, Mr. T. J. Sullivan, and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stricklin and children of Denison were in Celeste a short time Sunday afternoon returning home frm a visit in Rockwall. Leonard Ray Porter, who is enlisted in the Quartermaster Corps at Ft. Clark, Texas, near Del Rio, Texas, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his father, P. G. Porter, of Celeste, and with his sister, Mrs. Leon Hanson, and family of Midway. (omitted last week by error.) Mrs. Nora Rahman was in Dallas Wednesday and Thursday of this week purchasing Christmas merchandise for her vareity store here. Nell Puckett of Dallas spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Puckett. Miss Winna Pearl Gregory of Mount Pleasant and Miss Anna V. Williams of Celeste, who are attending ETSTC in Commerce, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams, over the weekend. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodman, of the Maxie Hall community, November 25th, a baby son, named Bobby Ray. Mrs. Good was formerly Miss Nancy Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bishop of near Celeste. Misses Emma and Genieve Gallager and Edward Pulte of Gainesville spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Quinn. Rev. O. F. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson and Mrs. W. W. McMichael attended the Baptist Workers Conference in Wolfe City, Wednesday. Mesdames Lem Warren, Jim Friddle, Mack Warren, and Roscoe Connatser were Greenville visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steele visited Mr. and Mrs. James Claunch of Denison Tuesday. Now is the time to save those pennies by buying East Texas Gasoline at twelve and one-half cents per gallon. Gheathams Garage. Phone 41. Rev. O. F. Robinson was reported on the sick list this morning, being confined to his bed with cold and fever. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Evans and son of Bethany, Louisiana visited relatives here over the weekend. Jack Watson of Rockwall was a Celeste visitor Friday morning. Mrs. E. H. Blankenship returned home from San Antonio Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barnard, Monday, December 5th, a baby daughter, named Linda Lou, at the Goode and Phillips Hospital in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and children of Dallas visited relatives here a short while on Sunday afternoon. Send the Courier to your relatives and friends away from Celeste. They will appreciate it and the cost is small. Letters to Santa As has been customary in the past years, the Courier will publish all letters to Santa Claus, written by kiddies in Celeste and territory, in the next several issues. Parents, have your children write a letter and mail it to us for publication. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy four years old. Will you please bring me a Dr. Pepper, a bicycle, a long train, and a tractor. I would like to have some candy, bananas, and double bubble. Your little friend, Joe Alvin Pearce Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl three years old. Please bring me a little car with pedals, lights, a key, and a horn on it, a big doll with curly hair, and lots of candy, fruit, and sparklers. Mary Frances McClure P. S. : I want my granmamy to come Christmas. Dear Santa: I have been a very good little girl and I think I deserve something in turn so I am asking for these things for Christmas. I want a basketball, a sewing machine, nuts, fruit, and candy. That is all. I will thank you very much if you will bring me these things. I remain your friend, Jeane Passons Advertisements Save at Dennys Oats, 5 lb. pkg. . . . . . . .$.20 Black pepper, lb . . . . . . . .15 Table syrup, gallon . . . . . . .50 Catsup, gallon. . . . . . . . .47 R. C. DENNY Celeste, Texas FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CELESTE Under New Management Celeste Service Station Harl Hudson, Manager ICE, Cambric Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed of all kinds Complete Line of Groceries Our Prices Are Right W. B. TAYLOR Phone 158 Delivery Service Celeste, Texas CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Electric Lamps. . . .$1.59 to $5.00 Mixing Bowls. . . . . . . . . .49 Cookie Jars. . . . . . . . . . 49 Chairs, rugs, tables, and many other use- ful articles. Wagons, tricycles, kiddie kars, chairs, scooters, for the children Make our store your shopping head- quarters for Christmas. G. D. HENSLEE & CO. Celeste, Texas Gifts for Everybody Large Selection of Christmas Trees Harmonicas, guns, clocks, electric irons, flashlights, pocket knives, roller skates, footballs, watches, Christmas tree lights, Pabco rugs, percolators, dripolators, electric toasters, kerosene heaters, perfection stoves, roasters, red wagons, Aladdin lamps, Philco radios, fruits, candy, nuts. See our big assortment of toys. E. D. BICKHAM & SON Celeste, Texas J. E. Cannon, M.D. Physician and Oculist Eyes Tested--Glasses Fitted Office at Norris Drug Co. Celeste, Texas Quality - Service - Price SPARKS AND ROACH GROCERY Celeste, Texas WHEN YOU USE YOUR PHONE When you call for a number, be slow to hang up; When your telephone rings, be quick to answer. THREE STATES TELEPHONE CO. THE HUB Celeste, Texas Buy your Christmas presents in Celeste. Try here first. We offer: Ladies and Childrens step-ins and panties, excellent quality, at the pair...............$.25 Mens ties at.........................................................................$.25, .50, .75, & $1.00 Sleeping dolls. A fifty-cent value at, each......................................................... $.39 Darning Sets, with five colors of thread, needles, thimble, and a plush top for a pincushion, and a mirror under it. A nice item for only....................................... $.10 ________________________________________________________________________
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:14:11 +0000

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