Transformation Tuesday!!!! This transformation requires no - TopicsExpress


Transformation Tuesday!!!! This transformation requires no pictures! Its not always about weight loss. Sixteen months ago I made a choice to change my life. Sounds pretty scary doesnt it?!?!?! Yes there where plenty of days when I wanted to give up, throw in the towel and walk away. I did not do it, I kept pushing on and on and on. Every time I was having a weak moment I reminded myself why I was doing this. FOR ME!!!!!!!! Yes a huge part of it was for my wife and son but when you really get down to it without putting myself first I was doing them no good. Being unhealthy and overweight can take a huge tole on you mentally. It can affect every aspect of your life, both personal and professional. I was so unhappy with who I had become it was ruining my life. I just didnt care about anything anymore. Its sad when you hit such a low point in your life that you pretty much go numb to the world and the things that are most important to you. I let my wife down, my son down, my parents and the rest of my family down during this time. I was failing at my job, I made excuses for everything, I had no passion or want to be better at anything. Meanwhile my family was suffering because of it and the whole time I was putting on a show, blaming everyone and everything around me for my mistakes, and could barely look at myself in the mirror because of it. I didnt want to own up to any of it or admit I had any problems at all. But inside I was dying day by day and losing control of it all. My finances where a mess, we where on the verge of losing it all!!!!!! I had one of those AH HA moments, I finally saw the damage I was doing. Its hard to admit when you screwed up and need help. I pulled from anyone and anything I could to dig myself out of the mental state I was in. It has been an absolutely eye opening sixteen months for me. Im not done, I have so much to live for. I have such an amazing support staff around me pushing me everyday to be better and fight for the things I want in life. I now have a completely new perspective on things and what is truly important. Have I accomplished all the things Ive set out to.....NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!! I set new goals everyday, if I hit one guess what I add 10 more. Everyday is a gift, treat it just as that. If you need help reach out and get it, life is to short to waste. Success is a choice not a luxury. If you choose to succeed you will. If you fight for the people that are important to you then you are already winning. I love my family and will spend everyday the rest of my life making up for the hell I put them through. For me my NEW LIFE has just begun. Im taking everything I do and putting my entire heart into it. I may fail along the way but that damn sure beats not trying. It took me far to long to realize that, I had to hit rock bottom first. I have been there and let me tell you it aint pretty. So bottom line is my transformation has many levels to it. Im still working on each and everyone of them. There are days where its just plain ugly. There are hard days, great days, amazing days and bad days but most importantly there are DAYS! You never know when you could take it to far, when enough could be enough. I consider myself very lucky that I snapped out it when I did.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:33:00 +0000

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