Transformation Tuesday in Jennifers words. Thank you for all of - TopicsExpress


Transformation Tuesday in Jennifers words. Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, and transparency! This girl just reset her goals for 2015 too! We are excited! I really did not truly believe the positive impact exercise can have on your mental health until about a 1 ½ ago (Sept 2013) when my journey began at Fusion Fitness after suffering a bit of a nervous breakdown (2 words I never thought I would say). I have battled anxiety/panic disorder since my early 20’s (I’m about to be 39) and I hid it very well from people for a long time. However, in May of 2013 the stress of life/career, etc. all came spiraling down and I woke up on a Friday and literally couldn’t go to work, function, etc. I stayed in bed for that whole weekend feeling weaker and more vulnerable than I had ever been and knew I had to do something about this permanently because I did not even know who I was anymore. My “life coach” (aka therapist) told me I needed an outlet for stress and anxiety like exercise. I had told her I had heard of some Fusion classes. After debating about going for a few months I finally showed up one day to try Fusion. I was scared to death that if I started breathing hard I would have a panic attack. I made it through the first class, then the second class, etc. and I could not believe how much better I felt every time and started getting my confidence back. I started going as often as I could, and as my mental state started getting better I decided to try personal training and nutrition counsel earlier this year. Again, I was scared to death that I couldn’t physically get through the 1 on 1 training sessions, and until a few months ago that doubt would pop into my head. Each time I trained I felt stronger and more confident. Now I walk in with my head held high and ready for whatever challenge is thrown my way. I cannot believe the things I can do now and how much my body has changed. Breathing hard is just a part of life and no longer equals a panic attack. I am healthier, happier and stronger than I have ever been in my life and best of all free of anxiety meds. In the midst I have lost a few clothing sizes and become toned, strong, and lean! No matter how much I have been traveling or what kind of day I have had I always push myself to go to some class and it totally changes the way I feel. If fear or anxiety is holding you back from trying something new don’t let it. You would be amazed at what you can do. The awesome staff at Fusion Fitness will help you find your best self, they sure did make a huge change in my life. I leave you with a quote from the great Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde”: “Exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy”. This my friends is very true. FusionFitnessMemphis #transformationtuesday
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:54:41 +0000

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