Transformation story part two (part 1 below) So what do you do, - TopicsExpress


Transformation story part two (part 1 below) So what do you do, friends, when you worked your hardest, when you tried your best, and the results are just not fast enough, when you feel like they dont reflect how BAAAADDDD you want it? You can: 1. Call the plastic surgeon - this is not the Real Housewives of Victoria, no not an option 2. Cry and moan to your husband AGAIN about how you tried so hard and whats the freakin point and you just dont know whats wrong with your body that is is so hard, while you husband tries his hardest to pay attention to you moaning AGAIN about the same thing you have been moaning about since you had the babies (thanks honey) 3. Eat three pieces of toast, a bowl of cereal, six cheesestrings (why is there no good binge food in this house? Oh yeah, the diet, I cleared it all out) and wash it down with a bottle of wine 4. Go work out. (wait - what??? Go WORK OUT? werent you reading the story? working out is pointless, you are a failure, you tried and failed, you will never never never reach your goals!) but I like working working out, it makes me feel good ( are you insane? no-one likes working out. Its torture, pain) but I like how it feels to be strong, I can do real pushups now, and V-sits, and star jumps (you are not listening. You can never change, you should just settle) cant hear you, I am busy working out What is the point to this story? The old me would have lost myself in cheesestrings and pinot. But Supersteph is stronger. Sometimes the transformations are not visible to others, but they are happening on the inside, and they are so important. Life is a choice. Health is a choice. My after picture is not the end of a story, it is a point in time, and I get to move forward and progress from that point. Oh and I know what you are thinking -- but hell freezes over before I post those photos lol. When I look like Scarlett Johansson training for an action movie, is when you get to see my after picture. But never say never
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 15:14:17 +0000

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