Transgression Sin and Inequity I was listening to a radio - TopicsExpress


Transgression Sin and Inequity I was listening to a radio program recently and the minister said something that made me think. He gave some interesting, thought provoking definitions of three words that those of us that call upon the Lord hear all the time. He described what he thought was the definitions of Transgression, Sin, and Inequity. The following is what he said. Transgression is doing what I should not do. That is, not following what the Bible says I shouldnt do. Or, in other words, not obeying the laws of God. Sin is not doing what I should do. That is, not doing what God has said for us to do. That is “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13: 34 Inequity is messing up what is good. That is, it is saying that what is true is not, it is saying what is good is not, it is saying that there is no truth, no right or wrong. I thought about these definitions and I felt that they helped explain things a little better. For one thing, we all know that if we break a law, we transgress against it. If you look up the dictionary definition you will see that is correct. But now sin, I had to think about this for a minute. I looked up the dictionary definition and this is what I found. An offense against a moral or religious law. A transgression against the law of God. Well the dictionary was saying that sin was actually no different than the word Transgression. It was saying that either word could be used as a synonym for the other. But that didnt fit with what the Bible says. If they were both the same, why would the writers of the Bible use them in the same sentence, and use them as if they meant something different. So I thought a little more and I thought about the word Sin and what it actually means, and how it is always used in Scripture. The word Sin, at its simplest form means to miss the mark. The word was actually a word used in Archery that meant to miss the mark, or miss the target. With Gods Word, it means that we miss the mark in doing and being what God is, in His glory. We can never hit the mark when it comes to God, we always fall short. Isaiah 64:6 says that all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags in comparison to Gods righteousness. Now I am not saying that our doing or obeying what God says is worthless or filthy. I am saying that no matter how good we try to be, or how good we think we are, we cannot ever be equal to God in any way. So to me, that means we sin, that is, we miss the mark, no matter what. That is why we need a Savior. We needed someone who could hit the mark, someone who had no sin, someone to be a sacrifice for us, someone who could stand between us and God and say, “These people are the ones You have given Me, they are protected by My blood, it was shed for their redemption. They are Mine forever.” So we are always sinners, saved by grace through faith that is we believe all that Jesus did for us. Our sin is that we fail to do the good that only Christ can do, we fall short. So you see transgression is doing what we shouldnt do, and sin is falling short of the glory of God, or failing to do what we should do. Jesus commanded us to love one another, and we struggle with that. The only way we can do it is when the love of God dwells in our hearts. And lastly, the word Inequity. The dictionary defines it this way: An instance of injustice or unfairness. At first I thought that this definition didnt go well with what was said, that is, in saying, what is good is bad, and what is bad is good, but I guess I am just slow. In our world today Inequity is running wild. Many have totally rejected that there is any absolute truth, in other words, what you believe is your truth and what I believe is my truth. They say these things so we wont try and convince them that what they are doing is morally wrong. They say moral values are just old fashioned ideas used to control people. They say that they are now educated, enlightened. So I ask you, if my truth is mine, and theirs is theirs, why are they trying to stop me from sharing my truth with anyone? Why do they say we must be tolerant of others beliefs and ideas, but then say that my belief is intolerant and must be stopped? Why are the tolerant people so intolerant against my beliefs? The world also proclaims that there is no God that Jesus was not who He said He was that He was just a good man. Well, He cant be a good man if He isnt who He said He was. If He isnt who He said He was, then He was just a crazy man proclaiming Himself as the Son of God, and in fact, God Himself. We can’t have Jesus both ways, He is either who He says He is, or He is nothing. So today, I ask you about your transgressions, are they forgiven by God? Do you understand that you cant by yourself get into heaven and stand before God and say you have lived a good life, and that you should be granted access. Do you say you believe in the Word of God and then pick and choose what you will obey? Do you realize that when you do that you are sinning and practicing inequity? You are saying I know that the Bible says do this, or dont do that, but I think what I am doing is ok. You are saying what is bad is good, and you are saying what you should do is not necessary. If this is you, I would ask you, how do you determine what is true, or not true. Do you believe what the world says, that there is no God? What proof do you have that they are right? Have you ever really sought out the truth for yourself? Or have you set yourself up in authority to determine what parts of Gods Word is true, just, and worthy of doing? Think about it! Until He comes! (Hosea 10:12)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:30:14 +0000

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