Transparency and Healthcare Peer Reviews: Holding Healthcare - TopicsExpress


Transparency and Healthcare Peer Reviews: Holding Healthcare Accountable Peer reviews are an essential part of healthcare in that they not only hold medical entities accountable, but they also provide valuable resources for learning and evaluation. It helps foster a foundation of trust between patients and physicians by ensuring fairness is guaranteed for everyone. When the transparency of peer reviews is put to work as a tool, a paradigm shift happens--and standardized metrics give providers across the board access to information that helps make healthcare safer, more efficient, and more effective. Transparency is unquestionably one of the most commonly stated words today. In healthcare, the term describes a policy of medical professionals and providers openly sharing with payers and patients facts about their performance and background. In turn, the government, insurers, and consumers are expected to use this information to identify effective, value-based care. (Russell, 2006) Healthcare Peer Reviews: Patient Empowerment One way transparency and peer reviews work together is to empower the patient. When patients can push for evidence-based medical care, the quality of care improves overall. Better care = lower costs and healthier patients. Transparency provided by healthcare peer reviews also helps determine medical necessity in a neutral environment where neither patients nor physicians can influence the outcome. This equal playing field helps patients realize that there is no big bad wolf when it comes to care that is delivered. All services are evaluated for how useful they will be--not how a certain party will benefit financially. One Step at at Time Absolute transparency doesnt happen overnight--it comes incrementally as standards are established. These standards come in the form of universal databases, electronic information storage, and technology improvements that make information sharing happen more seamlessly. Accreditation Organizations that earn healthcare accreditations only help speed up the process. The stamp of approval from organizations like URAC, TJC, CARF and others show a dedication to transparency, high quality standards, and overall excellence. These standards implemented by such organizations are evaluated every 1-4 years and show patients that tested processes are being followed, patient safety is a top priority, and that an unbiased external organization is keeping tabs on the day-to-day policies of a healthcare provider. A Seamless Process Peer reviews need to happen seamlessly to be efficient. For some, that process looks like this: Training + Technology + Support = Excellence. This process saves time, money, and provides access to an extensive network of healthcare peer review professionals. When executed properly, healthcare peer reviews help mitigate risk, too. We want to hear from you: If you arent currently using peer review services, what is your primary obstacle?  
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:00:33 +0000

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