Transport along the Voi-Taveta road has been paralysed for three - TopicsExpress


Transport along the Voi-Taveta road has been paralysed for three consecutive days after heavy rains damaged the road. Police said a heavy traffic jam into and out of Taveta town was still building up by yesterday morning after a Neema Coach bus heading to Nairobi fell and closed the road on Saturday night. Hundreds of passengers including students going back to school spent the night on the road as efforts to remove the stuck bus from the road hit a snag. Head of operations in charge of Taveta Police division Mr Patrick Nyangaresi said that one person was injured after the bus lost control and fell after skidding on the slippery road at Salaita. "Two tractors are on the ground to try and remove the bus from the road but the heavy rains hampered our efforts. Four police officers were deployed at the scene to ensure security of the stranded passengers," said Nyangaresi. He said that the traffic into and out of the town was more than a kilometre long. "We are optimistic that we shall succeed in opening up the road by today morning," he said yesterday. Nyangaresi said that the stretch between Salaita and Darajani was rendered virtually impassable following huge deposition of sludge along the road. "The situation is so bad, I was in a four wheel drive land rover and it got stuck in the same area," he told the Star on phone. Three weeks ago,the road was cut off in the same area by heavy flush floods after a heavy downpour. During that time, Taveta constituency remained disconnected from the rest of Taita for a couple of days leading to heavy economic losses. Taveta normally experiences floods and transport hiccups whenever it rains, a situation which is blamed for the poor infrastructure in the area. This has prompted the Taita Taveta County government to allocated Sh30 million in its budget proposal for flood mitigation during this financial year. Promises for constructing the road have been made by the three successive governments, but today the 98 Kilometer road lies in its usual dilapidated state,as it has been since independence. "We are calling upon our Governor Mr. Mruttu, Senetor & MP Naomi Shaban to step in to the matter, I know we together we can make it, hv a blessed day."
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 11:34:46 +0000

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