Trap City! Short and sweet, thats the range of motion for - TopicsExpress


Trap City! Short and sweet, thats the range of motion for shrugs. Make the most of the short range but keeping it slow and strict! Squeeze and hold at the top! The Traps are one contributing muscle which will creat a good back. Cant have one with out the other. In basic terms the traps aid the movement of the shoulder blades, head movement and support you with breathing. Its quite a large muscle which travels all the way down the majority of the middle back, not just the top party most people identify popping out of your t-shirt like pythons. In my mind they have that impact on the right physique like BOOM Im here!!! Under developed traps will leave you looking out of sync like any lagging muscle group. Over developed traps will leave you looking narrow making your shoulders appear to be less broad then they actually are. So, its a fine line getting it right. Traps get a lot of stimulation from deadlifts which are in my routine. So I dont go over board with endless sets and exercises. I hit them one it twice a week in this style, one exercise and Im done! I complete shrugs with my chin on my chest, for me this is more comfortable as when I do them stood looking straight ahead I seem to get a twinge/stabbing pain in my left shoulder blade and I can twist my head to the left for days after!! But like this no issues, but Im not suggesting there completed like this as its an unnatural position to put yourself into. Try both ways and see what works for you. 10 reps chin on your chest, 10 reps head up looking straight ahead. We completed one exercise for traps with this machine and buy the end I knew I didnt need to waste energy with any more trap exercises. 1st set - 20 reps Hold and squeeze. 2nd set - Increase the weight, 20 reps hold and squeeze. 3rd set - Increase the weight, 20 reps hold and squeeze. 4th set - Triple drop set - 15 reps, hold and squeeze then drop the weight by the same amount you increased it by from the previous set of 20reps. - 15 more reps, hold and squeeze, then drop the weight again. - Reps to failure as many strict with a squeeze then what I call crap reps, just bang em out with out the squeeze at the top. Job done, your traps should be on fire let alone the forearm pump! For me it went like this on the final 4th set, 80kg each side,drop to 60kg, drop to 40kg for reps. Work up in equal plates even if its increments of 10kg then u can drop it on that final set in the same manner! Its not the weight with shrugs its that contraction!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:51:41 +0000

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