Trapped.. Insert 5 Dear Diary.. I stopped my car in the - TopicsExpress


Trapped.. Insert 5 Dear Diary.. I stopped my car in the middle of no where because I felt the need to pray, sometimes when we go through difficult situations we sometimes lose faith and that was the case with me I knew that I needed to forgive Themba for what he did to me not for him but for myself in order to move on with my life I didnt wanna hold a grudge because nothing good was gonna come from it anyway I was on route heading to Johannesburg, I decided that, that was gonna be the place for me to start over, I had applied for a transfer from P.E to Johannesburg about two months ago and I hadnt had a reply I decided to check my emails and thankfully my transfer was approved and that was indeed a relief I continued with my drive and got to Newton and checked into the nearest Hotel It was only gonna be temporary until I got my own apartment I suddenly started feeling nauseous and the smell from the onion rings that I had ordered was becoming unbearable I then felt like I was about to vomit so I made my way to the bathroom and puked countless times I then felt dizzy all of a sudden, I sat down after rinsing my mouth and took a breather But my haziness wasnt coming down and suddenly everything just went blank After a while I found myself on another hospital bed and in all honestly that I didnt like.. I was then approached by a nurse and she had a huge smile on her face, next to me sat one of the servants from the hotel Him: I found passed out in your room when I brought some of the food that you ordered Me: uhmm thanks hey I then shifted my attention back to the nurse Me: uhmm so when can I go home? Nurse: well just after you talk to the Doctor And then suddenly a tall caramel skinned with short locks approached me, she was smiled and walked over to me Doctor: hi Im doctor Ntuli, uhmm I am pleased to inform that you and your baby are both ok you.. I didnt grant her the opportunity to continue Me: excuse me? Did you just say baby? Doctor: yes mame your baby is fine Me: what baby are you talking about Im not pregnant! Doctor: are you telling me that you didnt know that you are pregnant? I didnt say a word but sat there with my jaw dropped..
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:00:50 +0000

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