Traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee, Jesus and his 12 took the - TopicsExpress


Traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee, Jesus and his 12 took the quickest route through Samaria. Tired and thirsty he sat on Jacobs well while the 12 went to buy food. It was about noon hottest part of the day and a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Remember Jesus was a Jew and they had some customs that were so much recognized in their culture . The first was that Jews dont speak to Samaritans, 2. A Jewish man was not advisable to speak to a woman. Thanks be given to Jesus. For when he saw a need all these customary things were put on hold. My friend this morning I want to say to u, when Jesus sees you dying in agony of sin instead of him going to your church he avails himself through Facebook, irregardless of our customary differences Jesus breaks through and avails himself for you to be saved. The apostle Paul says in the book of Galatians 3:28 theres neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female for u are all one in Christ Jesus. Ive got a problem with somebody in the society or church who still knows and makes it a big thing that theres a Shona or Ndebele, Zulu or Shangaan. Kungakho uJohane sukulumbe had a vision and he recorded it in the book of Revelation 7:9 says After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the Lamb. Alelua. In that number there was a Shona speaking person, in that number there was a Ndebele speaking person, in that number there was a Zulu speaking person, Xhosa speaking person and they all with oneness stood before God. Nanku okwethusayo kuwe osanenkinga nomunye umuntu it simply means u will not be part of this number on that day. After a long talk the Samaritan woman discovers that she is not just talking to a mere man but a man of wonders, a man who had a mission and whos mission was to save humanity irregardless of your race, tribe and language. And the man said if u have known who is asking water u could have asked from me and I was going to give u water that when u drink of u will never thirsty again. Zhlobo zami akhona amanzi okufanele siwaphuze this morning. Ukhona umthombo okufanele siwuvakatshele ezimpilweni zethu. And one sings Theres a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuels veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. Im talking of a fountain that flows through out the year and never dry. And that fountain is Jesus. Not very long the woman left and went to the city and told people of what she has seen and heard. Im glad that Im talking to somebody this morning who wants to drink this water, somebody who wants to be in that number as John has said. To a such it is my sincere prayer that Jesus holds his/her hand and to remain in the kraal. Our scripture reading is coming from the book of John 4. JK
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:18:40 +0000

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