Traveling in the United States: What are the most unexpected / - TopicsExpress


Traveling in the United States: What are the most unexpected / shocking / baffling things people encounter when visiting the USA for the first time? Mircea Goia When I came here from an Eastern European country (Romania) I was shocked by: how big are everything (cars, buildings, streets, restaurant portions, clothes and yes, some people too :) ) how uniform everything is (there is not much difference in the architecture of NY, Seattle, Chicago, Dallas, LA, Phoenix and other big cities - we can understand that because there is not much history behind) how little people know about world in general (is because America is too big already for many of them?) how often people are smiling to each other without a reason (just being nice - in my country doesnt happen without a good reason) Hi, how are you? or Hi, how are you doing? - how should I have answered to this? How am I doing? Well, I dont know...I guess I am doing ok, right? (but then Ive learned what to answer) how polite are the workers in the public service and in stores (comparing with those from my country) how fast you can solve some things here (using the phone or the Internet) how cheap are some things here compared with my country (gas, cars, electronics, clothes, laptops, cameras) how expensive are other things compared with my country (mobile communications, desktop computers, Internet access, rent) health care and education system (in my country its free, or so we think so) how little corruption is here compared with my country and if somebody was caught being corrupted usually suffers the law penalty (unlike in my country where rarely it happens, especially to those who are big shots) how well people obey the laws in general (even obeying small rules and regulations) how well people with handicap are treated (parkings for them, special doors and restrooms for them, special elevators, buses which are also accommodating them - in my country there is no such thing, only on paper maybe) how often and easy people are moving around from city to city or state to state (in doesnt happen often in my country - younger generations are somehow starting now) how many people are interested in participating in non-profit organizations or donations how little your origins matters (either the nationality or the family). If you are hard worker and have qualities you are appreciated in the end, regardless if you are a foreign nationality or you are coming from a rich or poor family. how efficient and respected the police is here (compared to my country but not only) how fast the police, firefighters and ambulance respond to 911 calls (in my country could take hours - here, Ive been involved in an accident once and in 3-4 minutes the police, firefighters and ambulance was there...this was in Dallas) the cult of optimism (no matter what happens, stay optimistic) freedom of having guns (well, nothing like that in my country) the credit card system (in my country it still has a long way to go) how diverse this country can be (from people to nature - this is due to its size) FROM QUORA
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:00:03 +0000

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