Traveling through time has always been a human fantasy. To - TopicsExpress


Traveling through time has always been a human fantasy. To explore the past and peek into the future. The fact is that we all spend way too much time living in other time zones. Our lives are about a single moment of time, the present, from which we are unfortunately often absent. We think about, What will be? Some of us have longer term vision, while some of us think more in the short term. Some of us can focus on one future event and spend days and months living in that future moment, while some of us spread ourselves thinner thinking about an array of events, jumping from one to other depending on the time of day. How much have we worried about things that never happened? How many imaginary conversations never came to fruition or turned out totally different than expected? How many months of mind share did we put in for a single night that came and went in but a few short hours and didnt really alter our lives one way or the other? Life is a mission we are given. Actually it is a series of millions of missions. The Seforim HaKedoshim explain that our job is not to accomplish big things over time. Our life is far more complex while at the same time far simpler than that. Every moment in time is another mission that we must accomplish. Avrohom Zakein Ba BaYomim (Chayei Sara 24:1). Avrohom was one of the most accomplished men in history. Yet it doesnt say he came with achievements. Avrohom came with his days. Avrohom did not have long term plans. He lived each moment of each day as he should and at the end came with all his days, not a single one was missing. We want to change our future and we can. We can do this if we live in the present. Between now and the thing that worries you most, you can build vast worlds. You can change yourself so that you will be a totally different person and that projected future event will have no relevance to the person youve become or to the world as youve changed it. Dont waste your many precious audiences before the King of all kings daydreaming about how you will handle your impending crisis. Dont spend your days worrying yourself to death and causing self paralysis. Live for the moment. And there are so many moments, and you must take advantage of as many as you can, not letting a single one slip through your fingers. There are moments of Torah, Tefila and Chesed. With a single heave of them you can truly change the face of the world and the future will surely never be the same. HaAvar Ayin, HaAsid Adayin, HaHoveh KHeref Ayin. The past is long gone. The future has not yet arrived. And the present last only the bat of an eye. Dont let millions of moments pass you by as you are caught off guard. Go out and change the world, one present moment at a time.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:55:00 +0000

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