Trayvon & Zimmerman… So, an over-zealous community watch - TopicsExpress


Trayvon & Zimmerman… So, an over-zealous community watch participant was concerned for his residential area. The area had numerous reports of burglaries. Zimmerman saw a person in the area he didn’t recognize. He followed the person… That was NOT illegal He called the police to report the person…. That was NOT illegal He disregards a dispatcher’s suggestion to not get out of his vehicle… Stupid, but NOT illegal Trayvon tells his girlfriend “Creepy-Ass Cracker” is following him… that was RACIST Trayvon doesn’t call police or go home because he wants to fight… That was stupid and Illegal Trayvon attacks Zimmerman… That was illegal Trayvon told Zimmerman he was going to kill him… That was not nice Trayvon began slamming Zimmerman’s head against cement… That was illegal In fear of great bodily harm or death, Zimmerman shot Trayvon in defense… That was NOT illegal Zimmerman’s image was released while he was wearing inmate orange… That’s not fair Trayvon’s was portrayed as sweet 12-year-old… That’s not fair Zimmerman’s arrest record was disclosed immediately… That’s not fair Trayvon’s lengthy association with delinquency was kept quiet for a long time… That’s not fair Police and prosecutors initially agreed the evidence supported Zimmerman’s assertion that he acted in self-defense, but that wasn’t good enough for race-baiters such as liberal mainstream media outlets, Al, Jessie, and, of course, the Messiah Obama. Instead of highlighting the fact this was an isolated incident, this incident was portrayed as a common racial incident. Zimmerman, who identifies himself as a Hispanic, was magically labeled a white man for promotional purposes... Well, white-Hispanics welcome to our world… Anything you do that negatively affects blacks will be exploited by the mainstream media and race-mongers as racism. Even if there is absolutely no proof of racism, your acts will forever be racially motivated from this point forward. As Trayvon’s girlfriend said, you too will likely be referred to with racial epithets that are not racist even though they are, but you have no recourse; otherwise, you are even more racist. Disregard the logic. All I’m sure of is there’s indisputable proof racism and ill-will was a part of the altercation, but unfortunately for the Trayvon crowd… The proof demonstrates Trayvon was the racist with ill-will… Referring to someone as a Creepy-Ass Cracker then attacking the person, then telling the person he’s going to die, and then slamming his head against cement could easily be construed as racism and hatred. So, who acted illegally and was motivated by racism? That’s right, Trayvon. Like it or not, the elements of the crime of 2nd degree murder and manslaughter were not met. Perhaps there should be a law on the books that criminalizes stupidity because Zimmerman would be a great candidate for prosecution, but there isn’t. So, you can’t twist and contort his stupidity in such a way that makes it appear he’s met the elements of a crime. It was easy to see the prosecution did not have a case from the beginning as was evidenced by their witnesses bolstering the defense’s argument. This case should have never gone to trial, but a lot of racist people made it happen. To the racist people out there who didn’t care about the facts and just wanted to see Zimmerman’s head on a stick: Congratulations, you received the true justice you sought. EVERYTHING can’t be labeled racism anymore. We have to accept isolated incidents as just that, isolated. The stupid, hateful, or even racist acts of one person can’t be attributed to all others that share common characteristics such as race or ethnicity. The largest problem with race we have in this country is created by the mainstream media and race-mongers. Race relations can improve, but in order to do so, we have to start focusing more on what makes us similar, rather than what makes us different. A lot of so-called reverends aren’t going to assist in the matter of promoting positive racial relations because it doesn’t garner them as much attention as racial division, but there is hope. Local reverends can reverse this trend and be true people of God that stand up for what’s right, not just what gets their face on television. People don’t have to buy everything that is sold to them either. It is terrible a 17-year-old was killed, but it was also terrible he attacked a man and put a man in fear of great bodily harm or death. His maliciousness can’t be mitigated by mentioning a bag of skittles, a can of iced tea, and presenting a picture of the 12-year-old Trayvon.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:02:41 +0000

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