Treachery Watching the news and the way people treat each - TopicsExpress


Treachery Watching the news and the way people treat each other can be frustrating and depressing. When I opened the Scriptures today I can tell that it isnt what God wants either. Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously with one another by profaning the covenant of the fathers? (Malachi 2:10) We see crimes of hate, robbery, assaults, and murder. Treachery toward strangers and even within families happens around the world each day. Even within the most sacred of relationships, the relationship between husband and wife, we hear of cheating and violence. Like Malachi asked, Why do we deal treacherously with one another? How easy it is to forget that the same Father created and loves each of us! To Him we are each special and He wants only good things for us. During this time of the year when we celebrate the birthday of Jesus and then start with a fresh new year, can we agree to spread the Love of the Lord instead of hate and treachery? Lets start a revolution of a positive type. Blessings on the Journey ~ Wendy
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:06:17 +0000

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