Treasonous Ideologies and Theories That Undermines the Mind, the - TopicsExpress


Treasonous Ideologies and Theories That Undermines the Mind, the Nation and Its Moral Values. 12. Socialism So-cial-ism 13. Progressivism Pro-gres-siv-ism 14. Communism Com-mu-nism No right, no wrong, no good, no bad: Relativism 15. Relativism Rel-a-tiv-ism 16. Pragmatism Prag-ma-tism 17. Legal Positivism Le-gal Pos-i-tiv-ism Relativism when applied in law is called Legal Positivism. 18. Poststructuralist Pos-struc-tur-al-ism 19. Modernism Mod-ern-ism 20. Academic collectivism Ac-a-dem-ic Col-lec-tiv-ism 21. Minimalism Min-i-mal-ism 22. Deconstructivism De-con-struc-tiv-ism 23. Theories: 24. Darwin Theories of evolution 25. Big Bang Theory These Isms, infect the thinking, affect the judgment and render a person unworthy of public trust. Instead of going after the person, you go after the destructive Ideology and theories. College Professors use these Ideologies to tear down the faith of our young people. P. S. 71-88 % of Christians lose their faith in secular collage. We must equip our children against undermining theories and Ideologies that undermine the nation and the faith of our children. We must expose these destructive ideologies before our children are expose to them. Most people haven’t even heard of these Ideologies that take captive the minds of our children. Educate yourself, go to wallbuilders Book: Original Intent CD: Keeping truth in History
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:23:23 +0000

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