Treasure Respect what was one...gifted to you In your life - TopicsExpress


Treasure Respect what was one...gifted to you In your life embracing everything with Honor and Gratitude Trials are often painful to deal with it At times we dont feel comfortable with them To accept and how to be tolerant to others We can learn to Respect every living being Even with their weaknesses and imperfections Recognizing their level of growth and their state of learning By accepting their Life,Traditions and their Cultures Using Respect is a different state of mind Gaining knowledge so you may reach A higher plain of wisdom that is often denied to others Knowing with patience and trust Everything has a purpose and everyone Has a reason to teach and cross your path So you wont lose the battle of living your life And not lose your self Respect that was given By first.... Understanding yourself. by Isabella Hunt https://facebook/groups/773788616012575/ Feel free to share , to support me for my Poetry Book to come. Thank you. Bitte teilt mein Gedicht damit helft ihr mir etwas Bekannt zu werden fuer mein Gedichtsbuch das ich veroefftenlichen moechte. Danke
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:35:45 +0000

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