Treat each other with a measure of deeper honesty, and therefore - TopicsExpress


Treat each other with a measure of deeper honesty, and therefore dignity. If there is one thing I utterly cannot stand its hypocrisy and smiling to someones face while discussing what you dont like about them or gossiping behind their back. As part of the human race you owe it to each other to discuss with that person, even for a moment, if youre harbouring malcontent or something else against another. The practise of pretending is a truly disgusting thing. We all deserve the very least of courtesies, be it to address a wrong and right it, or to know anothers opinion of oneself in order for both to shed the feeling and move forward. Ive been beaten, bottled in the head, cheated on, had my heart broken, been stolen from, attacked with rocks, plagiarised, smacked in the face, screamed at, been part of car accidents due to the actions of others, tossed out of my own home, even drowned, (and theres more), but nothing hurts like this type of dimple treachery that people often see as harmless. This doesnt mean you should just blabber every little discontent at everyone daily. That would be exhausting. But if you have beef, talk it out with care. Or even confront it passionately with anger or sadness if you must. But broach it, regardless. Who knows, you may even find a measure of peace and understanding, and a deeper connection to someone you may otherwise have misliked and caused accidental damage to. Ive done this many times on both sides of the fence, and often found a person hurting, ashamed, wanting to make amends, or at worst, the capacity to better understand, even ifthe understanding of is that there is no possibility for reconciliation. Such things go a long way and besides, at least you actually tried and youll both have closure. Honesty and the courage to approach and speak up, these are powerful and beautiful things. Much love.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 22:03:30 +0000

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