Treating the symptom without ever addressing the problem sums up - TopicsExpress


Treating the symptom without ever addressing the problem sums up our current social and political strategies. People are homeless, jobless, living below the poverty line and the great debate is whether to give them welfare or just let them fend for themselves. Nether solves the problem. The worth of dollar is plummeting. We have go into debt for more wars that take up over two-thirds of the entire US budget yet there is almost no discussion or public debate. Most all of the wealth goes to a very small minority who control the system and pass laws that provide tax cuts, keep wages low, use the police and military to stop organized labor from bettering their position and further suppressing the situation. Meanwhile the strongest union and one of the most powerful lobbies healthcare providers. Doctors in particular have removed themselves from nearly any liability for malpractice, driven up costs that are now much higher; doubling, tripling quadrupling any other county. Affordable Healthcare allows this monopoly to thrive and wastes tax dollars with little or no oversight of this medical monopoly. As with any monopoly scarcities are created. In this case it is done through the training and accreditation process. Less doctors increases demands. Affordable Healthcare does not handle the actual situation, it compounds it. Protection of big business and central banks are almost exclusively the task of government. Multinational corporations have legislated immunity to common decency, creating a society whereby slave and sweatshop labor is a way of doing business. Corporations freely pollute and pass on the cleanup to the taxpayers. Relocating the business to a more favorable business climate is financed by governments, not just the United States, but cities, countries and states all compete with each other for the money that special interests bring. These companies shop for the best deal; the cheapest labor, the least restriction and the most perks. Using their vast power and influence, these companies and central banks have corrupted governments and courts in their favor. Ordinary citizens are unable to amass the resources necessary to fight these titans of servitude and that is precisely the reason for governments. But many governments, including our own has thrown in with this criminal elite and have become part of the problem. We are at a turning point where clearly those who claim to provide answers and are there to protect common folk are creating problems, hiding beneath a subterfuge of lies.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:12:10 +0000

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