Tree of Life (Mayan) Naga Science On the Mayan Tree of Life, - TopicsExpress


Tree of Life (Mayan) Naga Science On the Mayan Tree of Life, the plasma ribbons (serpents/ Nagas) are absolutely breathtaking. Look closely at the person on the right and what he is holding. It seems that outside of conceivable reality, there are forces always at work assisting the Nagas (Progenitors of the Black Race) through descension and ascension. In tune with what the Egyptians believed, the same scenario is also being shown here. Namely, that the soul or a plasma ribbon of The Creation comes from the open mouth of the Creator, the cosmic forces. The Egyptians had a ritual they called the opening the mouth ceremony, which would allow the soul of a dead person to pass. This is the breath of god that returns after death. The picture shown here comes from a vase that depicts the coils around the Cosmic Tree as both serpent coils and rings.Just like the Egyptians, the Maya believed that there were two parts to the human soul and each had its own glyph, which translates as follows: The white flower breath. The spirit way The records of the Maya speak of their pyramids having been built at pre-selected sacred locations where they can re-create the place of The Creation. They built them above subterranean rivers and held spiritual ceremonies where the initiate would literally go into the underworld in trance from a chamber inside the pyramid. In later years, chambers and rough subterranean caves found beneath natural hills would suggest that these were in all likelihood also used for these ceremonies celebrating their ancestors visit to The Tree of Life. Both mountains and pyramids have the same sacred energy for a greater connection to The Creation.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:21:44 +0000

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