Trending >>>>>Kingdom Culture, By King Yeshua, Jesus -4.1 In - TopicsExpress


Trending >>>>>Kingdom Culture, By King Yeshua, Jesus -4.1 In pronouncing the Constitution of the Kingdom, the Law Giver and Mediator found it necessary to frame it within the context of the Old Covenant Law. Well did He fore know that saints in the last generation would be buffeted by various interpretations of what to do with the Laws given through Moses. Over the years, these distinct schools of thought had emerged concerning attitude of saints to the Law given through Moses: They were abolished by Yeshua and no longer necessary They are eternal Laws to be strictly observed by all saints of all dispensations. In His days, Yeshua met Pharisees and scribes who were experts at giving mental assent to Laws of the Old Testament but did not have the right attitude towards Yahweh and fellow men. There was rank hypocrisy in their lives to the point they spent three and half years plotting His murder and feeling justified in it. They were living a dangerous life: knowing the letters of the Law but lacking the Spirit thereof.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 09:31:58 +0000

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