Trevor H Francis *worth sharing* A Month ago at an Alumni - TopicsExpress


Trevor H Francis *worth sharing* A Month ago at an Alumni gathering This is US Ambassador anda 3 President, Reagan, Bush senior an Bush Junior, most recently the United States Executive Director of the African Development Bank an Now General Consul to Rwanda Hon. Dr. Cynthia Perry. The reason me a share, she come from a lickle bitty town in Indiana name Lost Creek. Good people in her life encouraged her an she enrolled at ISU. (Me Alma Mater) one of the turning point of her young life an she made it clear ISU had just accepted dem first group of international students they came from JAMAICA {roun 1963} it was these JACANS who made such an impact in my life I knew I was going to Graduate school and I knew it was going to be in international studies. she went on to share how her life had turned out according to plan, she talked about recognizing her purpose as being in service to others, an reminded the group that is our purpose as human beings. She is truly a giant of a woman. an to think she would nat have been had it not been for that group of JACANS back in the early 60s, who all saw something in her others did not. she would not have turned into such a stalwart doing so much for the continent of Africa on account she run into some yaad man a school yu see how we nuff, a long time we nuff. This was a very humbling experience for me. That is her wid me hitch up in di miggle an the President fi Indiana State University Dr. Bradley. I have had lunch with her several time since, i asked about the JACANs from school days , if she still maintained contact. she mentioned the One was murdered in his driveway during the 80s political strife. she was offered the position as Ambassador to JA, she refused, the gentleman in the position was on his way home, he was blind, when asked why he was leaving. A group of men broke into his home raped an tortured in front of him so he quit. she did not take the job. She did tell me as a Nation JA is respected globally, this was good to hear.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 20:26:07 +0000

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