Trials and afflictions are inevitable for true believers - TopicsExpress


Trials and afflictions are inevitable for true believers ..... All praise is due to Allah, may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger (r), his household and companions. Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah as he should be feared, for fear of Allah brings more blessings and prevents afflictions. Dear Muslims! Allah has foreordained the fate of all creatures, written down their impacts and deeds, portioned out between them their livelihood and wealth and created death and life that He may test them which of them is best in deed. Indeed, belief in Allahs decree and preordainment is one of the pillars of faith. Nothing happens in this universe except by His will. This life is full of misfortune and sorrow. It is destined to be a place of hardships and trouble. Trials and tribulations are as inevitable in this life as cold and heat. Allah says, And certainly We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to those who are patient. Pre-destination is a test by which the truthful ones are distinguished from untruthful ones. Allah says, Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, We believe, and will not be tested. (29: 2) The human soul does not become pure except through trials, and it is during tribulations that real men are known. Ibn Jawzee said, Whoever wants to have everlasting peace and well-being with no affliction does not understand the meaning of Allahs commandments, nor does he perceive the meaning of submission to Allah. Every soul (either believing or disbelieving) shall inevitably taste suffering in this world, for this life is based on hardships. Man lives between comfort and suffering. Prophet Aadam(AS), for instance, had the angels prostrated before him and yet was soon after expelled from paradise A believer is afflicted with trials in order to refine him, not to punish him. He is tested in ease as well as in hardship. Allah says, And We tried them with good (blessings) and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn (to Allahs obedience). (Al-Araaf 7:168). Muslims!!! Something undesirable may sometimes have a pleasant result, while something seemingly desirable may turn out to have an unpleasant and abominable result. Do not therefore feel that harmful things cannot come to you through hardship. Allah says, ...And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know. (Al-Baqarah 2: 216). Prepare yourself mentally for afflictions before they occur so as to make their occurrence light on you. Do not be worried because of tribulations, for they have their limits, and watch what you utter during your hard times for many a word has ruined its utterer. A resolute Muslim stands firm during hardships, his heart does not change and he does not complain. Console yourself whenever afflicted with a promise of reward from Allah. Wise people show endurance whenever they are stricken with misfortune so as not to add to their misfortune the malicious joy of their enemies, for whenever your enemies know of your misfortune they are overjoyed. Muslims! Endeavour to keep your misfortunes and pains to yourself, for concealment of afflictions and pains are of the qualities of noble people. Be patient over afflictions, they will soon be removed from you. Those who perished only suffered that because of their impatience while the patient ones are being recompensed with good rewards. Allah says, And those who are patient, we will certainly pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do. (Al-Anaam 16:96). The reward of the patient ones will be doubled for their patience and Allah will be with them, remove their afflictions and make them victorious. may Allah grant us patience, remove our afflictions and make us victorious . Amin.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:25:32 +0000

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