Tribune Stop fighting me, Jonathan tells govs •Conducts 2nd - TopicsExpress


Tribune Stop fighting me, Jonathan tells govs •Conducts 2nd Niger Bridge groundbreaking Monday Written by Leon Usigbe - Abuja Wednesday, 05 March 2014 00:00 PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan, on Tuesday, advised state governors attacking him or his administration to desist from the act and focus on the business of governance of their states. Speaking while receiving a delegation of Anambra State leaders, led by Governor Peter Obi, on thank-you visit to him at the State House, he stressed the imperative of good relationship between the federal and state governments for the interest of the people. The president had recently come under criticisms from some opposition state governors. The president, who cited the cordial relationship between him and Governor Obi, noted that “a number of politicians feel that the best thing to do is to be abusing Mr President, abusing the Federal Government and so on. “You are elected to develop your state. I think the best thing is to have good relationship with the centre, whether you have a pin or you don’t have, but one day it will come. Wearing boxing gloves, jumping into the boxing ring to face Mr President does not help the development of any state.” He commended the outgoing Anambra State governor for his exemplary attitude in successfully managing the state, even when his government was from the minority party. According to him, “Peter Obi has demonstrated clearly that he is a person very distinct and he was able to manage the State Assembly that was predominantly controlled by another political party and we never had crisis. He has shown very clearly that he is a politician that believes in the people, not for himself.” Jonathan announced to the delegation that he would conduct the groundbreaking ceremony to signal the take-off of the implementation of the second Niger Bridge on Monday, March 10, explaining that he had refrained from doing so in the past because he wanted to be sure that all financial requirements for the project had been perfected. He recalled that he had told the Obi of Onitsha during a recent courtesy visit that he would ensure that the groundbreaking was done during the tenure of Governor Obi, who will leave office on March 17. He added: “But I said that until we are fully ready, until the finances have been worked out, I would not want to go for a groundbreaking ceremony and another two years, four years, another president would go there again for another groundbreaking ceremony, that we must work out the finances. “The Finance Minister and the Works Minister must work out details so that if we are going for the groundbreaking ceremony, we know that the work will not stop until the project is completed and God willing, that is what it is going to do.” The president assured the people that he would maintain the bond between him and Anambra people even after the exit of Obi in office, promising to work closely with the governor-elect, Willie Obiano. On the security challenges in parts of the North East, Jonathan reiterated that it was a passing phase, as many other countries had gone through similar experiences sometime, with more grievous consequences, noting, “whatever we face is transient, very temporary. We will soon get over it by God’s grace.” In his remark, Governor Obi observed that it was difficult for any state government to make any meaningful impact without the support of the Federal Government. He said: “I have served under three different presidents. I can differentiate,” and appealed to Jonathan to extend similar support to the governor-elect and his government. Obi pledged Anambra State’s support for Jonathan for whatever he decided to do. Delivering the message of the delegation, former Minister of Health, Professor A.B.C. Nwosu, said they were at the State House to pay homage to the president, “who is seen as a friend of our people” as well as to formally inform him that Obi would be stepping aside in office on March 17, 2014.” He said: “Expectedly, we have mixed feelings about his imminent departure, because we know that in spite of all the political odds which he encountered while in office, his leadership and service to our people and indeed, to Nigeria have been visionary, courageous, meritorious, credible, exemplary and purposeful. “Among other things, we appreciate his efficient and skillful pruning of the cost of governance, partnership with the churches, extra-ordinary love for children, the future of our nation, and senior citizens and the knack for industrialisation. We, therefore, have no doubt in our minds that history will judge him very well. “While we remain mindful that all his accomplishments were first and foremost made possible by God; we equally know that Governor Obi would not have been successful if you had not offered him broad and very open support both personally as Dr Goodluck Jonathan and as the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. For these, Sir, we say thank you immensely,” he stated.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:04:23 +0000

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