Tribute To Yaya Arabi Baba EL-Nafaty— March 8, 2014 I saw him - TopicsExpress


Tribute To Yaya Arabi Baba EL-Nafaty— March 8, 2014 I saw him for the last time on Monday, 17 February 2014, at about 4.00pm; he was on life support machine at the intensive care unit of Primus International Hospital, Karu, Abuja. Three doctors were by his bedside, and they were watching him closely. I moved to one of them and asked him quietly how the patient was doing, he said it was bad. I looked at him and I was engulfed in a deep and profound sadness. Once he was the epitome of strength, humility and sacrifice to his kith and kin and several other people whose lives he touched. For almost half a century he was the patriarch of our clan from Nafada, consisting of several families; who migrated to Kaduna, Jos, Bauchi, Kano and Gombe. He gave his live to service to Allah (SWT) and humanity. He was the tower of strength and support for many, and now he lies helplessly attached to machines to ensure his survival. I cringed inwardly as another bout of sadness engulfs me. I left the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and walked through the hallways of the hospital slowly reliving the great memories of Ya Yaya as we fondly call him. I then joined my brothers seated on mats outside where we have been keeping vigil for more than a week. Two hours later, one of our brothers came out from the ICU and said that his vital signs were very low and technically he was gone. In spite of that, as Muslims, we believe that if his appointed hour has not come he will still be with us. We still held on to that last straw of hope that our father and brother who had lived for more than 75years will still be with us. However, by 11pm we heard the tragic news that he has finally passed away. In spite of everything it came to us as a great shock. We cried in the open and in our hearts while we begin to pray for him. We kept on trying to fathom the depth of our loss. We all trooped to the hospital and carried his body home, where he laid amongst his love ones throughout the night. The following morning, we washed him and prepared his body for funeral rites according to the dictates of Islam. About 10am, we took his body to the National Mosque for funeral prayers, which were attended by hundreds of people. After the prayers we proceeded with the body to Gwarimpa Cemetery; where he was buried according to Islamic injunction. As we left the graveyard, I realised that one chapter of his life had closed and another one opened in which he will be remembered in the hearts of all those who loved him until the day of judgement when we shall meet to part no more. Abubakar Yaya Ahmadu Arabi truly lived a remarkable, exceptional and exemplary life. He was born in 1939; married in his early twenties and took over his father’s business. He was well educated in both western and Islamic education. In 1969, his uncle late Mallam Abubakar Gidado EL-Nafaty died, he took over most of the responsibility of the large EL-nafaty family even though his father was still alive. In 1974 his father, Sheik Ahmadu Arabi died and Yaya Arabi who was then only 34 years old took over the burden of the two families including his own family and other extended families; all in all, there were more than 100 members. It was an awesome task but he bore it with solitude and grace that belies his age. He embraced this great responsibility without flinching or complaining. Within the next 40 years he brought us up in his mould, men and women of exceptional qualities. He was well known and respected in northern Nigeria; few of his kind now remain. In his last days, he devoted his life to charity and strengthening/propagating Islam. He contributed tremendously in building and maintaining Mosques and Islamic Schools. He left behind a big and blessed family, an overwhelming goodwill and an enduring legacy. Yaya Arabi will be remembered as one of the last true patriarch, who led a selfless service to his country, community and family. Nigeria has indeed lost a great man, an unsung hero who will live in the pantheon of our collective memories. Allah ya jikansa , Allah ya gafarta masa ,Allah yasa ALJANNA makomasa. Ameen.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:11:27 +0000

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