Tricks for Getting Motivated!! Quick View of What to - TopicsExpress


Tricks for Getting Motivated!! Quick View of What to Do… Find the motivation in the subject! Remind yourself of the BIG PRIZES! 1. Create small prizes! In the perfect world, every teacher would be this incredible dynamo. He or she would be able to present information in such a way that a ROCK would come alive listening to it! Our eyes would never droop. We would see the inherent wonder in algebra, adjectives, and carbon compounds! But hey, this isn’t a perfect world. . . And we’re only human. So, how can you stay interested if chemistry isn’t your cup of tea or geology leaves you bored? It’s easy to pay attention and do well in stuff we enjoy, but the other stuff takes more work. You CAN still do it!! 2. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize * More colleges from which to choose * A better job after graduation * A possible scholarship Not to mention (but, of course, I will): * Pleasing mom and dad, and your dog and cat * Pleasing all of your teachers * And, most importantly, pleasing yourself Unfortunately, even these amazingly won- derful rewards may not be enough. (Re- mind yourself of them anyway.) So, when your desk can’t compete with your TV, what’s a kid to do? Get motivated by keeping focused on the reward: Set up a second system of rewards. Motivation Magic! Take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. On the left, write down all the things you have to get done. MUST DO: - Do math problems 1 to 16. - Work on Social Studies poster. - Practice violin. On the right, write down the things you really enjoy doing when you have the time. MUST DO: WANT TO DO: - Do Math Problems 1 to 16. - Work on Social Studies poster. - Practice violin. - Play with the XBox. - Shoot some hoops. - Play with my dog. - Have a bag of popcorn. - Sketch a picture. - Play my guitar. Guestimate how long it will take you to do each of your must-dos. After all, you don’t want to run out of evening before you finish them. If you spent every minute on your must-dos, how much time would you have left? This is the time you can spend on your wanta-do’s. 4. WE’RE HAPPY! We love rewards! When you figure out how much time you have to spare, divide it among the things on your Wanta-do list. For every half hour of work on your must-do’s, give yourself a reward of spending some time on the more fun things. You can also add to your motivation by getting your family involved — How about a pizza party for a week of well done homework? Why not a first run movie for you and a buddy after a month of homework handed in on time? How about your favorite home cooked meal for completion of that report? What can YOU come up with for motivation? Source:
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:37:37 +0000

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