Tried to donate my living room furniture to the Salvation Army. - TopicsExpress


Tried to donate my living room furniture to the Salvation Army. Here is the conversation this morning when I called to find out that my delivery window was 830-11am when I had requested after 3PM to coincide with a furniture delivery. TB: I’m sorry. I have to be at work this morning. Is it not possible for the truck to come after 3 as I requested? SA: No. When are your day’s off? TB: Sat and Sunday SA: We don’t do pick up on Sat and Sun. [I already knew that.] TB: Don’t your donor’s have jobs? SA: Yes. But they leave their donation items outside. Can you do that? TB: No. I live in union square. If I put it outside it will be gone in a nano-second or I will get cited for littering. Plus I can’t carry my couch. TB: So what are my options? SA: You can reschedule. TB: And I won’t find out what time window you are coming until the morning of pickup? SA: Correct. TB: So I’ll have to plan to take the entire day off from work. I won’t be able to schedule any meetings that day. SA: I guess so. TB: So that won’t work for me. I’ll only be able to block out a morning or afternoon. So what will happen is that I’ll call morning of the scheduled pickup find out my pick up window, and if I’ve guessed wrong, I’ll have to cancel again and reschedule. How does that work for you or me? SA: [silence] TB: Ok. We’ll keep playing this game…..
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:42:41 +0000

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