Trigger Warning for revisited Christmas blood and guts> TMI for - TopicsExpress


Trigger Warning for revisited Christmas blood and guts> TMI for Body Fluids Its a well known fact that everything on Earth revolves about the details of my wretched existence. That said, Im getting the sense that I have made many friends overly concerned about my cold and its bloody consequences from Christmas night. Scroll back on my wall to read my initial post about passing out on Dec 25 eve and you might get the impression that I was in serious medical danger. 4 days later, I can assure you that was not the case. The Illness that Ive been fighting for 5-6 days is a just a cold, and not a particularly bad one. It certainly not the bad flu that so many of my pals are actively suffering from right now. Ive had whopping cough and Pneumonia and this was neither. The coughing all the air out of my lungs thing, though induced by the cold, is just a thing my body does.( I also tend to vomit way too hard though there was no vomiting during this cold. Years ago I barfed hard enough to make a small esophageal tear, an experience pregnant women sometimes endure.) The difference this time is that I couldnt quite stop the lung spasm until after the air was used up and I passed out for a few seconds. It seems that I rolled down out of my chair and hit the floor with my nose. BUT!- there was not a lot of actual damage. Through a quirk of how my head was cushioned by the bend of my arm, I seem to have hit only the end of my nose and avoid any serious damage- teeth, skull, arm bones, fingers, all unscathed. Yes, there was blood, enough to be very startling when I actually came to; but actually it was just a run-of-the-mill heavy bloody nose. I probably didnt lose more than 1/4 cup-ish; but that stuff . I also ruined the sleeve of my least favorite and most beat-up worn-out hoodie that I was planning to toss out soon, anyway. I am well enough to have gone food shopping with no problems tonight. My nose hasnt bled again, even with vigorous nose-blowing; and the cold is fading away. I am no longer hacking. Im coughing occasionally. In a few days that will be gone as well. Again, I want to thank you all for your concern and comments. I hope that this over-long missive assuages worries that Im suffering from any very serious conditions Take care of yourselves, pals
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:21:51 +0000

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