Trinity Chapters: Absolution or Condemnation? Rains Arrival & - TopicsExpress


Trinity Chapters: Absolution or Condemnation? Rains Arrival & Avanis Decision Through generations, there has always been men who would rather damage Trinitys foundation than cherish the citys wonders. Women who would rather pillage through the streets with the use of endless violence than to shake the hand of a resident slaved to Carters will. Trinity faced many obstacles in her past; a necromancers rage and declaration on an enterprise, an Orders brutal invasion and horrific terrors casted upon a shamed alliance, and the current repeated invasions that appear to be endless in their occurrence that she must endure. Trinity has faced an array of threats in her existence, but never has she come across an entity such as Lord Rain. Rain cares less about Trinity herself than he does about her founders and leading enterprise. More specifically, those individuals who thought theyd infiltrate Mother Okamis womb and return home as if they committed no crime. Rains first visit to Trinity is as a messenger; a policeman more so than a bounty hunter. Soft tapping swayed boots tap on Trinitys underbelly, their origin unknown. Long silky black hair pitches Rains tannish skin complexion into darkness. The small mechanized clicker located on his lower right wrisk is covered by skin tight sleeves connecting to a muscle shirt which too is covered, it by a katana sheathed in a casing located on the warriors back. His destination is the home of Avani Arctica. Intel given to the Okamian Lord days prior led him to believe hed find his target within the fields some distance away from the main urban attractions across the city. He made his way to a park coated with perfectly placed grass and neatly grown plants. Crystalline irises searched the vast area which supernatural ocular vision, each lens theorally scanning the area for the Acticas presence. If not sighted, patient vocals would part soft lips, each word withholding ominous intentions in their successful delivery to the ear of a nearby Trinitarian.- Im looking for Avani Arctica.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:55:17 +0000

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