Trinitys Lenten Devotion for today. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 2 - TopicsExpress


Trinitys Lenten Devotion for today. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 2 Kings 4:18-37 Ephesians 2:1-10 Pr. Douglas Fidler Ephesians 2:5 by grace you have been saved. Ive broken my arm twice in my life. The last time was just before Lent a few years ago. I gave up my left arm for Lent was the joke. But think about a broken bone and the discipline of Lent for a moment. Your arm is put into an immobile position for a long period of time (6 weeks). You have to learn to adapt, do things differently. When it is natural to reach out your arm to do something and you cant you stop and think, how can I do this differently? And over a period of time you learn not only how to adapt but also how valuable your arm is. Yes, Lent is like having a cast on a broken bone. Lent and were well into it now and it is getting long, tiring and we are looking forward to Easter more and more. But through the disciplines of Lent weve been growing, weve adapted to different lifestyles. Weve added extra devotions, and worship times. Weve given up some things. But by this fifth week it is getting heavy and becoming a burden, yet at the same time it is seeming almost natural. Now heres the grace part. The high scream of the saw filling the room as the cast is being removed is utter grace! Down one side and then up the other, a little prying apart and snap off it comes. Like Jonah coming out of the belly of the fish (phew!), or the opening of Lazarus tomb (unbind him and let him go), the arm, rendered useless for the past six week appears. Oh, its seen better days but now so light! and free! Able to be used in a new way once again! Alle.. Lent is that yearning for healing and wholeness. God wraps us tight in a season of Lent and bids to to look at life, our relationship with Him, and the world around us in a new way. The cast is about ready to come off. How will this season have changed your life, your outlook, your relationships? Oh, what amazing grace it is to be free, healed, joined, made new! Thank you Lord for this season of healing and wholeness. Make us new. Hold us tight. Free us in unimaginable ways. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 11:45:23 +0000

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