Trippy! With the rising cost of food and for busy people, - TopicsExpress


Trippy! With the rising cost of food and for busy people, everywhere, the options for getting adequate nutrition are limited. One can either go out or order take-out/delivery for a more-often-than-not, unhealthy meal at a restaurant. The term is used loosely, here; the food (a.k.a. phude) may come from a fast food chain, whose ingredients are dubious, at best - or from decent restaurants, where the norm is that far more saturated fats, salt and culturally-accepted, brain-damaging excito-toxins, like soy sauce are added, than one may add, while cooking ones own meals. Such a conundrum might make a person, such as myself, who works more than 12 hours per day to search for an alternative, or to just forgo eating regular meals, entirely. Enter Soylent. Is Soylent the future of food? CEO, Rob Rhinehart lived on his liquid invention for 30 days straight, and the feat propelled him to internet fame and fortune. Rhinehart, an engineer by training, has a dream is to make his product available, similarly to a public utility, so that a liquid meal is always available, literally, on tap to anyone who pays for his service. He dreams to offer nutrition that is both ecologically-sustainable and which also satisfies the nutritional needs of the human body. Rhinehart doesnt advocate completely foregoing real food - but in a world with pesticide-laden, GMOd food and millions of people, worldwide who are starving to death, he sees this as a stop-gap solution to an inevitable food crisis, as the worlds population keeps growing. Silicon Valley investors have agreed with his vision, pouring millions of dollars into the Soylent project. The host of this MOTHERBOARD segment, Brian Merchant decided to become the first person to repeat Rhineharts feat: to live for a month straight, on nothing but the chemical cocktail. Along the way, he investigated how an artificial food replacement might impact human health, Silicon Valley and the world at large. Of course, Soylent cant replace food. Food has many other social and psychological dimensions to it, besides nourishment. Nonetheless, this is the story of life after food.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 00:23:37 +0000

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