Troll Fr: So what do you think about this? Ra: I think its - TopicsExpress


Troll Fr: So what do you think about this? Ra: I think its great, Creationism isnt science. As I understand Genesis, its a story about growing up, maturity, and losing innocence; not an account about how the world was made. Most logical bible scholars understand this and have understood that for a very long time. Remember Charles Darwin started his research to prove HOW God made the world not disprove God, his conclusion was there was no God, but that has nothing to do with me. Your problem is with fundamentalism, not with religion. Troll Fr: How can you just ignore parts of a toxic philosophy and keep parts of it. I dont think youre really religious, I think you just say that. Its why I argue with you, because you think clearly just not about this. Ra: I can do it because thats what everyone does with any conceptual idea. Communists disavow Stalinists. Scientists pretend eugenics never happened and doesnt still influence certain types of research now. Capitalists ignore the gross inequalities caused by it. Everyone picks and chooses what they want to believe or dont and choose how to make that work for them. Creationism isnt bad as long as its taught in a religious studies class. Troll Fr: I dont think it should be taught at all. Ra: Well dont take a religious studies class about the Christian mythos then! Dont put your kids in a school that teaches it. Its not that hard to avoid, besides I had teachers who believed in Creationism, they still taught evolution and I walked away thinking their thoughts on Creationism were silly. So you know, keep in mind even teenagers arent complete idiots. I have a feeling you grew up in Super Christian household and that scarred you a bit. Im sorry that happened to you, but I had NOTHING CLOSE to that experience so I cant find the anti-religious sentiments youre looking for. Troll Fr: So you think cults are the answer? Ra: Nice try, goodbye for today.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 20:22:46 +0000

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