True Love ( Part 10 ) Both Arthi and Sanjay went for playing with - TopicsExpress


True Love ( Part 10 ) Both Arthi and Sanjay went for playing with those kids very happily. They gave fruits to kids as morning snacks after breakfast. He introduced Arthi to Mr.Ayappan sir, who is a retired teacher, founder and in-charge for this center. Sir: Hello Arthi, welcome to our center! It looks like all kids are so happy to play more games with both of you. Arthi: Yes Sir. I have never gone to any center like this. This is the first time, because of Sanjay help I came here am seeing the real society outside my life. Sanjay: Anna, this is the way Sanjay used to call him. “Anna, Arthi is working in my team only. Last week only we celebrated her birthday in our office. She is very hard worker in my team; she has got more appreciation from our client.” Sir: “It’s excellent to hear that Sanjay! Arthi, it looks like you are one of the biggest asset for your company” I know when Sanjay visited first time; he was so silent. But now, I’m able to see this very good boy talking more to everyone and I’m very happy to see him. Arthi was smiling towards Sanjay. Arthi: What? Is a Sanjay a silent person? No way sir, in our team he is the best to interact with everyone and organize any event. I cannot believe this guy. Both are laughing Sir: Arthi, you look like you were born in North India...? Tell me about your family, your home town? Arthi: Laughing, you are correct! Yes I was born in Chandigarh (North India), my father was working in Air force and now he is retired and settled in Mysore. I have one elder brother named “Shiva” who is working as software architect in Denver, Colorado state in USA. My dad and mom both are living in Coimbatore; I’m working here in Chennai. Sanjay: Anna, She never said this much info about her brother to me. Then Arthi notices a painting of “Sir” hanging on the wall… Arthi: Sanjay, is this paint done by you? It looks exactly same face of our Sir. Really, very much surprised! Sir: Yes this work was done by Sanjay only. You know he used to paint anything, if he sees just for few minutes. Come I will show you something. They were entering into another room, which contain nice paintings of great leader’s, natural photos, photos. Everything is painted by Sanjay only. Then they were walking towards garden, where different colored roses were grown beautifully looking like a natural park will small green trees and colorful flowers with superb real fragrance. All three were seated in the chairs. Arthi asked “Sir, I will also call you as Anna. Because calling “Sir” is something more external. “Anna” is good. Sir: Arthi, Who told you to call me as “Sir”, you only started calling me “Sir”; there is no problem in calling me “Anna”. Actually all this little brothers and sisters were used to call me “Anna”. Arthi: “Anna, How you got this idea to setup center for these poor kids who are affected?” Mr.Ayappan continued “I was working in government school as English teacher in Chennai. One day, I met with an accident while driving vehicle. I got admitted to the nearby hospital where my close friend “Sathya” was working. It’s a normal minor injury.” But the visual what I saw in the hospital bought myself to see this society in different and made me thinking about this center. Satya, a well-known doctor by profession who is very good kind hearted towards all his patients. Even he used to do free service for poor and needy people whoever is getting admitted to his ward for any diagnosis. Satya came with dull and very sad face to meet his friend. Ayappan: What Satya you are looking so dull, tell me something went wrong? Satya: Yes da. Actually last week one couple came to my ward for doing general pregnancy test to the women. I asked my women doctors to carry out the test and do thorough general test and give me the report. They found that, the women blood got HIV positive, everyone got shocked. Her husband was working as auto driver, this is her first baby. So I told my team not to disclose this information to the women, she may get high pressure which is very dangerous to the baby. So, I called her husband who was waiting outside, asked my team to do blood test for him. In the beginning he was acted like so afraid and saying some reason for doing blood test. At last we found in the test, because of this stupid mans blood, two life been affected with HIV. I advised both should be admitted in separate ward, once his wife pregnancy is completed tomorrow morning will take care him under my supervision and personal care. He listen all my words, in the evening he left the hospital. Till now he never came back to see his wife and his kid. As we planned, we made her delivery. But the lady was so upset, once she comes to know about her blood infection, She was crying all the time. There marriage was a love marriage and she left her parents and came because of this stupid love. Now, this baby too infected. Somehow I managed my mom and provided her accommodation in my guest house itself with a separate cook for them. I never disclosed about her problem to my mom. I told her “she is just an orphan who got admitted to my ward, so I brought here to stay till her baby starts walking.” But the problem now, my mom somehow found her problem before I’m reaching home yesterday evening she asked that women to vacate the house immediately before my arrival. Somehow, she came to this hospital yesterday night and met me today morning. Now I need your help, my dear friend. Ayappan: Everything is fine; now tell me what I need to do for you? Satya having his own house in which Ayappan was staying alone sometime he also used to stay with him.. Satya: In our house, we have top portion is vacant only. We can help to stay these women to stay in that house; you can stay in the ground portion. Will appoint a cook to maintain everything? This is my plan da. Need your suggestion! Ayappan: Just smiling and said “You know I thought of telling the same idea about our empty portion”. They took women and the baby to Ayappan house for accommodation. They all decided to choose the name for the baby “Bhavani”. Even Sanjay never came to know this information because of Arthi question, he also carefully listening to his Anna words. Mr.Ayappan continued, Days are passed like anything. Bhavani started walking; she is so cute, intelligent and good kid. But only problem for her “she never listens to her mom at the time of giving medication”. One day, suddenly I got a call that Sathya met with a serious accident, got admitted to his hospital. We all ran immediately, he was admitted in ICU, his own team of doctors and senior doctors said “Our Satya is in final stage, because of heavy blood loss and major fracture in his skull”. I was so upset. Before that Satya showed his hand towards “me” showing to come near to him. Sathya told me “Sorry da, I use to pray god more, so he started calling me it looks. Please take care of Meena akka and Bhavani. I have one wish to you, please construct a garden in the side of our house with good flowers, green plants and build a center for this innocent orphanage kids who have been affected. I already told my doctors to help you with money and their doctor service to those kids from our center on daily basis to take care of everyone. You know, yesterday evening only I transferred my properties to your name for safety purpose. But I’m shocked god suddenly made an accident and gave appointment to meet him”. My Satya died after taking my promise. Sanjay and Arthi, were listening his words became very much shocked to know about his close friend “Satya”. Arthi: God sometimes behaving very bad to innocent people. No idea why such bad things are happening. Ayappan: Do you know who is god? No one knows the answer. After my Satya death, I stopped going to temple. Even my name is “Ayappan” but I don’t want to change this name because of my parents. “You will be so surprised to know the name of that woman. “She is our Meena akka” and child is “Bhavani”. Sanjay got shocked to hear this. They went near to Satya photo and prayed for a second, then kept moving to their seat for lunch. Arthi was surprised and got tears when she saw the photo of “Dr.Satya Narayanan M.B.B.S”. She was telling to Sanjay, “See how simple this person looks? But has given everything for these kids and center” really I see him as “GOD”. It was almost near to 5 pm, Arthi was not able to realize she has spent the whole day here. She was saying “Bye to each kid”, few remembered her names. She came to Anna and said “Anna, I had great experience in my life. I cannot forget this center in my life. I will try to come regularly”. Anna replied, “Thanks Arthi. You are welcome anytime. FZ-S started, “Arthi felt her heart was filled with more emotions, not able to think anything apart from this center”. Sanjay: “Hey Arthi, what happened to you, so silent? Tell me how your day was?” Arthi: “Yes Sanjay. I was thinking about that doctor who spent his entire life without getting married. At the same time, think about our Meena akka husband who just left them on the hospital”. How different men living in this world? Sanjay: You are doing “issue analysis (what we use to do for our tickets in our project) on this information’s. This is real society, you will find different person with multiple dimensional attitudes”. All girls used to complain about boys only. This is fate in our society, you should know this. Now the bike was waiting in a crowd signal. Sanjay was thinking how to ask Arthi about his plan of going to beach which is near from this signal to spent some time. Arthi: “Hey Sanjay, Shall we go to beach? “, she was very happy and started laughing. What happened in the beach? Stay Tuned... End of Episode - 10
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:29:33 +0000

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