True Story A top neurologist of Pakistan, very busy doctor, whom - TopicsExpress


True Story A top neurologist of Pakistan, very busy doctor, whom one would have to wait months to see through appointment, recounted this experience of his. He was flying from one city to another when huge clouds suddenly built up, the flight got very turbulent, it started to pour and one of the engines was struck by lightning and damaged. So they had to make an emergency landing. It was a little airstrip on which the small plane landed and they were surprised at how remote the area was. The doctor asked the pilot how long it would take to repair the aircraft because it didn’t look like there was anybody around to help. The pilot confirmed that it would be quite long and the doctor would be better off taking the road to get to where he had to, it was now only a three hour drive away. So the doctor jumped into one of the trishaws you get in Pakistan. But just as they started progressing the clouds built up again, lightening began to strike, and rain poured so much that their vehicle couldn’t move further because of the mud. It was an open area with a bit of farmland and a little house. Since they were not getting anywhere they decided to knock at the house and see if they could take refuge there for a while, pray and perhaps have a bit of a meal. So in this strange land far out in the rurals the doctor knocked with his little bag. An old lady answered the door after a while. She heard their story and welcomed them in. She had a little prayer rug and a little child on the side whom she was checking on continually while sitting on the prayer rug, making Dua and praying her own Salah. The doctor prayed too then asked the lady what was wrong with the child. The woman told them that the child was an orphan and very sick. She was the grandmother of the child. They had been to all the doctors around but they had said that there was only one specialist who could help the child. They had tried to get an appointment with him but had been asked to come six months later and it was also very far away. “I’ve been making Dua to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) ever since that day, ‘Ya Allah make it easy for us, the child is sick. The child is sick, make it easy for us, Ya Allah.’” “What’s the name of the specialist?” the doctor asked. “It’s Dr Irshad” the grandmother replied. Incredibly, this caused the doctor to promptly burst into tears. “Why are you crying?” the grandmother asked. The doctor replied, “Your Dua has just been answered. For your Dua the thunder and lightning came, the engine was struck, we came down, we took the road, the rain came again and stopped us and so on. And the rain only stopped after the question was asked (what is wrong with the child).” Then the woman started to cry. Subhanallah. The doctor himself told the story, saying, “That was me. It happened to me!” He says, “I learnt that Allah’s armies are beyond limits. Allah uses whatever He wants to get what He wants done and it’s done and over with.” Everyone of us has needs from Allah. Just keep calling! Have conviction. Never underestimate the love and power of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). May He make us firm believers, that for Him nothing is impossible. May Allah keep guiding our eemaan. Aameen.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:39:32 +0000

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